Tracing Technology, celebrating 40 years of Archaeological Research at Satricum -25-26-27-28/10/2017
Forty years of Dutch archaeological research in ancient Satricum - carried out in close collaboration with the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Frosinone, Latina e Rieti - have unearthed an outstandingly rich and varied record showing evidence of uninterrupted habitation over a period of nearly 800 years, spanning from the Iron Age to the early Imperial Period. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Satricum Project, an international conference will be held in Rome from October 25-28 2017, under the aegis of the University of Amsterdam and the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 25-26-27-28/10/2017
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Amsterdam and the Royal Netherlands Institute (Roma, Italy)
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: gratis / free / gratuito (email to: )
Keynote: P.Van Dommelen
Chairs: J.Pelgrom; D. Waarsenburg; A. Nijboer; R. Knoop
Speakers: V.Acconcia; L. Alessandri; P. Attema; C. Belardelli; B. Belelli Marchesini; S. Bernard; G. Cifani; T. de Haas; M. Gnade; A.F. Ferrandes; S. Helas; A. Jaia; R. Laurito; W. De Neef; V. Nizzo; A. Oikonomou; L.Opgenhaffen; S. Pescarin; M. Revello Lami; J. Sevink; J. GarcÃa Sánchez; J. Waagen; E. Witmer
Scientific Committee: M.Gnade; M. Revello Lami; L. Opgenhaffen
Conference Assistants: N.Gerritsen; E. Verburg