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PhD Colloquium on Late Antiquity - 04-05/05/2018, Reading (England)

Late Antiquity was once regarded as an age of decadence and barbarisation as well as a ‘marginal’ field of study. Those days are over. Late Antiquity has now its own place in academia and is considered a hot topic by both Classicists and historians of the Early Middle Ages, as well as scholars of religious studies, archaeology, art and philosophy in a fruitful exchange among disciplines.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 04-05/05/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Lorenzo Livorsi ; Ilaria Scarponi ; Fiona McMeekin

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Day 1: Friday 4 May 2018

Session 1: Greek hagiography (chair: Rev Mark Laynesmith, Univ. of Reading)

10.00 Nikolaos Kälviäinen (University of Crete), Searching for the historical context of the genesis of the Greek premetaphrastic Passion of St. Marina of Antioch

10.15 Response: Dr. Arietta Papacostantinou (Univ. of Reading) + plenary discussion

10.45 Maria Sole Rigo (Sapienza University of Rome), Paraphrasis and personal creativity in Eudocia Augusta's De S. Cypriano

11.00 Response: Prof. Karla Pollmann (Univ. of Reading) + plenary discussion

11.30 Coffee break

Session 2: Egypt and Gaul (chair: Ilaria Scarponi, Univ. of Reading)

12.00 Matthias Stern (University of Basel), Land, career, and power in late Roman Egypt

12.15 Response: Dr. Arietta Papacostantinou (Univ. of Reading) + plenary discussion

12.45 Carlo Ferrari (University of Florence), Death in Arras: a Germanic sanctuary in a Gallo-Roman civitas?

13.00 Response: Dr. Ken Dark (University of Reading) + plenary discussion

13.30 Lunch

14.30 Visit to the Ure Museum (welcome and tour by Professor Amy Smith)

Session 3: Late antique religion (chair: Prof. Karla Pollmann, Univ. of Reading)

15.30 Anna Lucia Furlan (King’s College, London), Orphic God(s) and the ‘one’ God: Christian reception of Orphic henotheism in Late Antiquity

15.45 Response: Dr. Chiara O. Tommasi (University of Pisa) + plenary discussion

16.15 Elisa Nuria Merisio (Sapienza University of Rome), The role of prophets in Late Antiquity: the evidence of two funerary epigrams from Phrygia

16.30 Response Dr. Chiara O. Tommasi (University of Pisa) + plenary discussion

17.00 Poster session

Day 2: Saturday 5 May 2018

9.30 Keynote address: Dr Chiara O. Tommasi (University of Pisa): Esotericism in Classical and Late Antiquity

10.10 Plenary discussion

Session 4: Late Latin poetry (chair: Lorenzo Livorsi, Univ. of Reading)

10.30. Ann Katrin Stähle (Universität Basel), Poetics of myth in Sidonius Apollinaris

10.45 Response: Dr Helen Kaufmann (Oxford University) + plenary discussion

11.15 Wiebke Nierste (Justus Liebig University of Gießen), Are you series? A serial perspective on Claudian's Carmina minora

11.30 Response: Dr Gillian Knight (University of Reading) + plenary discussion

12.00 Lunch

Session 5: Late antique philosophy(chair: Sara Contini, Univ. of Reading)

13.30 Ben Kybett (University of Cambridge), Eusebius and Plotinus on the Image of God

13.45 Response (Prof. John Rist, University of Toronto) + plenary discussion

14.15 Lea Niccolai (University of Cambridge), The sovereign first, or the law? A late imperial political dilemma.

14.30 Response (Prof. John Rist, University of Toronto) + plenary discussion

15.00 Coffee break

Session 6: Judaism and Christianity (chair: Fiona McMeekin, Univ. of Reading)

15.30 Judith von Bresinsky (Freie Universität Berlin), Seder Nashim that is Strength. The Talmudic order of women and its famous epithet: ‘Chosen’

15.45 Response: Prof. Tessa Rajak (University of Reading / Somerville College, Oxford) + plenary discussion

16.15 Teresa Röger (University of Cambridge), Augustine, ‘lectissimus pensator uerborum’? Augustine and the qualms of definition in De beata uita

16.45 Response: Prof. Karla Pollmann (University of Reading) + plenary discussion

17.15 poster session

18.30 Wine reception and conclusion


  1. Nadine Viermann (Universität Konstanz), Transformation ofthe Eastern Roman monarchy in the early seventh century

  2. Ann Katrin Stähle (Universität Basel), Poetics of myth in Sidonius Apollinaris

  3. Argyro Lithari (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Astronomy and Philosophy in Proclus’ Hypotyposis Astronomicarum Positionum

  4. Dimitra Makri (University of Ioannina, University of Vienna), The culture of beverages: the case of beer and wine in Graeco-Roman antiquity

  5. Fabrizio Petorella (Roma Tre University), Construction of sanctity, creation of a model: the case of the First Greek Life of Saint Pachomius

  6. Maurits de Leeuw (Universität Tübingen), The Holy Man against the Emperor: Monastic Opposition in Early Byzantine Hagiography

  7. Alejandro Fernández Gonzalez (University of Cantabria), Archaeological landscape of Northern Hispania in Late Antiquity (5th-8th centuries)

  8. Raquel Castro Marqués (University of Oviedo), Architecture Archaeology in hermitage phenomenon of the North of Spain in Late Antiquity

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