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Recovering the past: Egypt and Greece - 22/11/2017, London (England)

Few ancient cultures have been studied as intensely as ancient Greece or Egypt. But how exactly do we learn about these ancient cultures and their connections? This multimedia event looks at the many ways in which the Graeco-Egyptian past has been recovered. Experts in Classics from UCL explore the recuperation of texts on papyri, the decipherment of hieroglyphs, Freudian theories of Oedipus and Moses, and the representation of priests of Isis on film. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from world-class scholars about the new and exciting research that is being carried out in the field of ancient studies. Our event will take place at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, home to a renowned collection of Egyptian antiquities

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 22/11/2017


INFO: web -



"Recovering a lost language: the Rosetta Stone” Stephen Colvin "Egypt, Greek papyri, and Victorian Britain" Nick Gonis “Freud on Moses and Oedipus" Miriam Leonard "Murder in Pompeii! The Priests of Isis in Fiction and Cinema" Maria Wyke

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