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7th CRASIS Annual Meeting and Master Class: 'Motivation and Causality' - 22-23/02/2018, Gron

CRASIS is the interdisciplinary research institute for the study of culture, religion and society in the ancient world at the University of Groningen. This year’s event is already its seventh Master Class and Annual Meeting.

CRASIS is set up as a meeting place for students at PhD or Research Master level, post-docs, and established scholars to promote discussion and exchange of ideas beyond disciplinary boundaries. This year’s Master and Keynote Speaker is John Ma, Professor of Classics at Columbia University. His expertise spans a broad range of topics relating to the handling of epigraphic and archaeological evidence, and the study of the legal, social and economic history of the ancient Greek world including the Near East. One of his most influential publications is his monograph 'Statues and Cities: Honorific Portraits and Civic Identity in the Hellenistic World' (2013; rev. ed. 2015).

Discourses of motivation and causality are so basic to the study of the ancient world (Graeco-Roman, Mediterranean, Near Eastern) that they are hardly (if ever) addressed explicitly. Yet if we start thinking about motivation and causality in relation to the ancient world and attempt to determine what the meaning and impact of these concepts are it is difficult to formulate a clear answer. Therefore, the seventh CRASIS Annual Meeting/Master Class aims to explore these fundamental concepts both within the ancient world itself as well as in contemporary approaches to the ancient world. The study of motivation and causality in the ancient world is pursued in many forms, from the study of individuals and their motivations to large-scale social, economic, political, and institutional processes. Why did ancient individuals and groups of people do what they did? How did they motivate important decisions, and how did they explain the causality behind such decisions? What were the driving forces (e.g. military, economic, religious, philosophical) that led to the making of certain decisions both in relation to groups and individuals, and how do we isolate and study these forces? Was agency located at the individual or at the communal and institutional level? Where and when can we find important shifts in how ancient people approached decision-making in terms of expediency, egoism, practicality, profit, tradition, culture, or honor?

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 22-23/02/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Lidewijde de Jong; Onno van Nijf; Steve Mason; Bettina Reitz-Joosse; Eelco Glas

INFO: web -


-Estándard/standard/standard: €15

-(PhD-) estudiantes/students/studenti: €10

-Cena (opcional)/dinner (opcional)/cena (opzionale) €25

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