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Jil Jadid Conference in Middle Estern Languages and Literatures - 16-17/02/2018, Austin (Tx, USA)

The Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin are happy to announce the 8th Annual Jil Jadid Conference in Middle Eastern Literature and Linguistics, a graduate student conference to be held at the University of Texas at Austin, February 16-17, 2018. Jil Jadid is a graduate student conference that aims to provide a forum for young scholars spread across a variety of disciplines to come together, share ideas and research, and discuss the future of their respective fields as they move forward in their careers and come to represent the eponymous new generation of scholars engaging with the Middle Eastern languages and its cultures. For the past seven Februaries, graduate students from a wide range of universities, both domestic and international, have assembled in Austin to set the tone for Middle Eastern studies in the twenty-first century. The ongoing positive feedback we have received from these past conferences prompts us to once again assemble with the same goal, uniting students from area studies, linguistics, comparative literature and other departments in order to facilitate a productive and interdisciplinary exchange of new ideas.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 16-17/02/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Estefania Valenzuela Mochon ; Radwa El Barouni

INFO: web -



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