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2nd Annual Postgraduate Symposium in Classical Reception I “Classical Reception and Gender” - 17-18-

Jocasta Classical Reception Greece is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Postgraduate Symposium in Classical Reception, which will take place on 17-18-19 March 2018 at the Department of Philology, University of Patras, Greece.

Reception is conceived not as a subdivision of Classics but as a mode of historicised inquiry and constant self-critique intrinsic in Classical Studies. In this respect, the reader assumes the role of the decoder who examines reception of the ancient world from the 8th century BC onwards: from Antiquity to Byzantium, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Early and Late Modernity and the future, while ceaselessly moving from the West to the East and from the North to the South and vice versa. Classical Reception is studied through a variety of media ranging from literature to theatre and film, to materialised configurations of everyday experience and through a plurality of approaches ranging from Philosophy to Cultural and Social Studies to Performative arts and science-driven discourses, thus foregrounding interdisciplinary research.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 17-18-19/03/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Stamatia Androna; Efstathia Athanasopoulou; Kelly Bilz; Dimitris Cheilaris; Nick Frangopoulos; Fay Papadimitriou; Eleanna Pomoni; Jericha Tumblin

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