21th Board Game Studies Colloquium: Dialogues and Interactions - 23-24-25-26/04/2018, Athens (Greece
In collaboration with Véronique Dasen, professor of Classical Archaeology at theUniversity of Fribourg, principal investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant Project “LocusLudi. The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity” <locusludi.unifr.ch>,and Ulrich Schädler Director of the Swiss Museum of Games and partner of the ERC project,the organizers would like to dedicate one entire day to explore ancient game-related material evidence, putting special emphasis on the role of games as vehicle of culturaltransmission and interactions. Continuity and reception of antiquity in board games-relatedmaterials of different ages, will be also explored.
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 23-24-25-26/04/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Benaki Museum (Athens, Greece)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Barbara Care; Veronique Dasen; Ulrich Schädler
INFO: web - Barbara.Care@nottingham.ac.uk - veronique.dasen@unifr.ch - u.schaedler@museedujeu.ch