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CALL. 05.01.2018: Greek Epichoric Histories Colloquium - Oxford (England)

In recent decades, there has been a welcome move away from a monolithic Athenocentric narrative in Greek history and a corresponding increase in interest in regional perspectives, which has highlighted diversity and particularity in institutions, culture and experience, and called into question the value of traditional periodisation.In the same period,there has been a radical transformation of mapping technologies, which has encouraged new ways of approaching ancient geographies, and multiplied possibilities forthe use and visualisation of spatial data.At the same time, while these developments have given greater prominence to the plurality of local perspectives, they have not yet led to a full exploration of the spatial aspects of archaic and classical Greek history.



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Roger Brock (Leeds); Samuel Gartland (Corpus Christi)

INFO: call - - - -


The aim of this project is to address this deficit and to focus on the ways in which the location of a community in relation to other communities influenced its external interactions and historical experience, its perspectives and self-definition and, equally, how the internal spatial order and dynamics of communities – beyond their basic location in the wider world – might impact on other aspects of their organisation and behaviour. For these purposes ‘community’ is defined very broadly across a range of scales to include not only poleis and ethnê but also sanctuaries, civic subdivisions such as demes, geographically-bounded entities such as island groups, and maritime features such as the Propontis; the temporal scope is approximately the archaic and classical periods, though given the desire to challenge periodisation these will be fuzzily delimited.

Implicit in this broad definition of the topic is the proposition that from many locations in the Hellenic world there will have been multiple and often contradictory perspectives, and hence this investigation has the potential to shed fresh light on current debates about identity and identities, ethnicity, networks and environmental history, as well as responding to contemporary interests in various forms of localism, including the burgeoning field of local historiographies.

The project will be inaugurated by a two-day colloquium at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and we anticipate follow-on activity of various kinds: we therefore invite both proposals for presentations at the colloquium and expressions of interest in participation at later stages.

Colloquium: May 12-13th 2018, Corpus Christi College, Oxford

Submission of abstracts (by Friday 5th January) to

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