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Drawing on the Past: the pre-modern world in comics - 10-11/09/2018, London (England)

A two-day conference on comics and the pre-modern world at Senate House in London on 10-11th September 2018.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 10-11/09/2018

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Senate house (London, England)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Leen Van Broeck (Royal Holloway); Dr Zena Kamash (Royal Holloway); Dr Katy Soar (University of Winchester)

INFO: web - Programme -


- Estándar/standard/standard: £25

- Estudiantes y no remunerados/students and unwaged/studenti e non salariati: £20

In order to register as a delegate, please reserve a free ticket on our Eventbrite page; this allows us to avoid overbooking. Once you have registered through Eventbrite, we will contact you with a link to a Google Form in which you will be asked to indicate your ticket type, preferred means of payment, any accessibility/dietary needs, and whether you would like to apply for one of our limited number of small (max. £75) travel bursaries, generously sponsored by the Classical Association (note: the deadline for bursary applications is 31 August, UK time).


Day One – Monday 10 September 2018


10.00 Dr Christopher Bishop: The Silver Surfer (Odysseus redux)

10.30 Dr Charlotte Northrop: Comic Reception and Engagement in the Digital Age: the case study of Happle Tea

11.00 Dr Tony Keen: ‘In our midst … an immortal!’: Hercules in 1960s Marvel comics

11.30-11.50 BREAK

11.50 Dr David Anderson: “The Aliens from 2,000 B.C.!” – Or, How Comic Books Have Paved the Way for Pseudoarchaeology

12.20 Zofia Guertin: Creating comics illustrations for public engagement in Roman Aeclanum: comics as pedagogical tools for discussing social inequality and female representation

12.50 2 x 5 min posters: Dr Sonya Nevin – Marathon Charo Rovira – Imagining a city. Rome in history comics

13.00-14.00 LUNCH

14.00 Glynnis Fawkes: The Homeric Hymns in comics form

14.30 Joel Mercer: Can an experimental research-comic be used to communicate an experiential pre-modern narrative?

15.00 Dr Eva Miller: Making Sargon Great Again: Reuse and Reappropriation of Ancient Mesopotamian Imagery in Fan-Art, Iconography, and Visual Storytelling of the Alt-Right

15.30-16.00 BREAK

16.00 KEYNOTE: Hannah Sackett and John Swogger Making Archaeological Comics: A Practical Workshop

17.00 Networking event (including drinks & workshop output review)

18.30-? Reading group (venue TBC but probably a nearby pub which serves food; reading to be confirmed and circulated in advance)

Day Two – Tuesday 11 September 2018

09.00 COFFEE

09.30 Murray Dahm: A Hero for All: Beowulf in comics

10.00 Prof James Hegarty: Osamu Tezuka’s Buddha: from Ancient South Asia to Contemporary Japan and Back Again

10.30 Dr Guillaume Molle: The Myth of Mu or the Negation of Indigenous Identities: the Representations of Pacific Islanders Traditional Cultures in European Bande Dessinée Pacific Islanders

11.00 BREAK

11.20 Giacomo Savani: Hannibal’s Hound: Animality and the Reception of Classical Antiquity in Andrea Pazienza’s Storia di Astarte

11.50 Dr Michael Goodrum and Jordan Newton: “How would you like to go back through the ages – in search of yourself?”: Time Travel Comics & the American Century

12.20 Charo Rovira and Richard Wakeman: A place of mystery and wonders: the British Museum in comics

12.50 3 x 5 min posters:

Dr Karen Pierce – Defining Helen’s beauty: drawing “the face that launched a thousand ships” Kristin Donner and Laura K. Harrison – Mix, mold, fire! An exploration of the chaine operatoire through the eyes of an apprentice potter John Swogger – Strange and Present Lives: Depicting the “other-ness” of prehistory in community heritage comics

13.05 LUNCH

14.00 Dr Victoria Mills: Victorians in togas (and top hats): Gilbert Abbott A’Beckett’s The Comic History of Rome

14.30 Dr Olga Śmiechowicz: Old Ancient Comedy in comics

15.00 Dr James Townshend: “Fighting evil by moonlight; quoting Virgil by daylight”: An unexpected reference to Virgil in Sailor Moon

15.30 BREAK

16.00 Dr Sonya Nevin: Our Mythical Childhood (European Research Council-funded project)

16.15 Closing remarks and open discussion: where to go from here?

17.00 FINISH

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