Greek Epichoric Histories Colloquium - 12-13/05/2018, Oxford (England)
In recent decades, there has been a welcome move away from a monolithic Athenocentric narrative in Greek history and a corresponding increase in interest in regional perspectives, which has highlighted diversity and particularity in institutions, culture and experience, and called into question the value of traditional periodisation.In the same period,there has been a radical transformation of mapping technologies, which has encouraged new ways of approaching ancient geographies, and multiplied possibilities forthe use and visualisation of spatial data.At the same time, while these developments have given greater prominence to the plurality of local perspectives, they have not yet led to a full exploration of the spatial aspects of archaic and classical Greek history.
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 12-13/05/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Corpus Christi College, University of oxford (Oxford, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Roger Brock (Leeds); Samuel Gartland (Corpus Christi)
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The fee includes refreshments throughout, and on the Saturday lunch and a drinks reception in the evening. The registration fee can be paid by cheque in advance (made out to Corpus Christi College) or cash on the day.
Saturday 12th May
9.00-9.40- Coffee and registration- MBI Al Jaber Auditorium Foyer
9.40-9.45: Dr Roger Brock (Leeds) ; Dr Samuel Gartland (Oxford) - Introduction
9.45-10.45 - Professor Catherine Morgan (Oxford)
On the margins of federalism: studying the Central Ionian archipelago
**Coffee Break** (Foyer)
11.15 – 12.00- Professor Jeremy McInerney (Penn)
The Lindos Chronicle, the Pride of Halikarnassos and Herakleides Kritikos: Narration and Epichoric History in the Hellenistic Age
12.00 - 12.45- Professor Rosalind Thomas (Oxford)
Pride of Place and the Greek polis and island histories: why write an epichoric history?
**Sandwich Lunch**(Foyer)
13.30-14.10 - Dr Naoise MacSweeney (Leicester) Myth and koinon: regional identity in Ionia
14.10-14.50 - Dr Thomas Russell (Oxford) Perspectives from the Bosphorus
**Coffee Break** (Foyer)
15.20-16.10 - Dr Danielle Kellogg (CUNY) The Attic Demes and Athenian Democracy
16.10-17.10 - Professor J.K.Davies (Liverpool) Location or lineage? The view from the temenos
**Refreshments** (Foyer)
17.40-18.40 – Professor Thomas Figueira (Rutgers) Reading Pindar’s Aiginetan Odes
18.40 ** Drinks Reception** (Rainolds Room/Handa Roof Terrace)
Sunday 13th May
9.30-10.15 - Dr Ben Raynor (Cambridge) Space and centrality at Macedonian Pella
10.15-11.00- Dr Aneurin Ellis-Evans (Oxford) The Cult of Athena Ilias and the Unity of the Troad
**Coffee Break** (Foyer)
11.30-12.15- Dr Maria Xanthou (Harvard/Leeds)
Chalcidian regionality between Sithonia and Pallene: from periphery to epichoric identity
12.15-13.00- Dr Irene Polinskaya (KCL)