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Lyric Beyond Lyric: ‘submerged’ traditions, generic interactions, and later receptions - 24/05/2018,

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 24/05/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Chiara Ciampa ; Antonio Genova ; Francesca Modini


INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Aquí/here/qui Deadline: 11/05/2018 (8p.m)


Lunch and refreshments will be provided

09:00-09:30 Welcome addresses 09:30-11:00 First Session 09:30-10:00 IL-KWEON SIR (Oxford) – Popular Alcaeus? Submerged Genres and the Question of Authorship in Alcaeus

10:00-10:15 Discussion – Respondent Dr PETER AGÓCS (UCL) 10:15-10:45 ELIA MARRUCCI (Verona / ALU, Freiburg) – Away from the Men’s Path on the Chariot of Poetry: Genres in Dialogue in Parmenides’ ΠΕΡΙ ΦΥΣΕΩΣ. 10:45-11:00 Discussion – Respondent Dr SHAUL TOR (KCL) 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-13:00 Second Session 11:30-12:00 GIULIA DONELLI (Morley College, London) – Herodotus’ ‘Lyric’ Portrayal of Themistocles 12:00-12:15 Discussion – Respondent Prof HUGH BOWDEN (KCL) 12:15-12:45 CHRISTOPHER WALDO (Berkeley, California) – Faint Praise: Euripides and the Reception of the Victory Ode 12:45-13:00 Discussion – Respondent Dr DAVID FEARN (WARWICK) 13:00-14:00 Lunch Break 14:00-16:15 Third Session 14:00-14:30 THOMAS J. NELSON (Cambridge) – Lyric Beyond the Canon: The Ithyphallic Hymn for Demetrius Poliorcetes 14:30-14:45 Discussion – Respondent Dr PAVLOS AVLAMIS (KCL) 14:45-15:15 DAVID PERRY (Chicago) – The ‘Spartan’ Anapestic Marches PMG 856, 857 and 858 15:15-15:30 Discussion – Respondent Prof MICHAEL TRAPP (KCL) 15:30-16:00 ROBERT A. ROHLAND (Cambridge) – Carpamus dulcia: Excerpting Lyric Carpe Diem 16:00-16:15 Discussion – Respondent Dr EMILY PILLINGER (KCL) 16:15-16:45 Tea Break 16:45-17:45 Prof PAULINE LEVEN (Yale) – The ‘Submerged’ Song of the Lyric Bird in the Greek and Latin Tradition 17:45-18:45 Closing remarks and wine reception (River Room)

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