Variation and contact in the Ancient Indo-European languages: between Linguistics and Philology - 19

Hosted by the universities of Pisa and Oxford, these joint colloquia will bring together international experts to discuss contact, variation and change in the ancient Indo-European languages. The conferences will feature invited keynote speakers, papers selected through a Call for Papers and a poster session. Contributions in any areas of research on Indo-European languages will be welcome, and an interdisciplinary approach will be preferred.
FECHA/ DATE/DATA:19-20/04/2018, Pisa (Italy) ; 17-18/05/2018, Oxford (England)
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Universitá di Pisa (Pisa, Italy) ; University of Oxford (Oxford, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Michele Bianconi (Oxford) ; Marta Capano (Napoli L'Orientale) ; Domenica Romagno (Pisa) ; Francesco Rovai (Pisa) ; Elizabeth Tucker (Oxford) ; Andreas Willi (Oxford)
INFO: web -
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Deadline: 08/04/2018 (Pisa) ; 11/05/2018 (Oxford)
- Estándar/standard/standard: Pisa £85 / Oxford £30
- Miembros del Dipartimento di Filosofia, Letteratura e Linguistica de la Universidad de Pisa/faculty Members of the Dipartimento di Filosofia, Letteratura e Linguistica of the University of Pisa/membri dil Dipartimento di Filosofia, Letteratura e Linguistica dall'università di Pisa: Pisa: gratis/free/gratuito / Oxford £30
- Estudiantes de la Universidad de Pisa /students of the University of Pisa/studenti dell'università di Pisa: Pisa gratis/free/gratuito / Oxford £20
- Estudiantes del St Hilda´s College y del programa Ertegun /Fellows and Students of St Hilda's College and the Ertegun Programme/ studenti de´ll St. Hilda´s College e del programma Ertegun: Pisa £85 / Oxford gratis/free/gratuito
- Estudiantes/students/studenti: Pisa £85 / Oxford £20
17th May – Ertegun House, 37a St Giles' 9.00 Registration 9.30 Welcome Address 10.00 Giovanna Marotta (Università di Pisa) – On the perception of prosodic features in Latin 13.00 Francesco Rovai (Università di Pisa) – Dicae and faciae from Cato to Quintilian: Morphological variants or orthographical practice? 11.00 Wolfgang De Melo (University of Oxford) – Grammatical terminology in Varro: loan words, adaptations, and independent terminology 11.30 Tea/coffee break 12.00 Mark Weeden (SOAS London) – Hittite and Sumerian: The search for deeper meanings 12.30 Federico Giusfredi (Università degli Studi di Verona) – Once upon a time, a Sumerian donkey... 13.00 Valerio Pisaniello/Stella Merlin (Università degli Studi di Verona) – Linguistic strategies in filiation formulas:data from Lycian-Greek bilingual texts 13.15 Lunch (Ertegun House) 15.00 Stephen Colvin (University College London) – Particles and conditions in Greece and Anatolia 15.30 Katharine Shields (University College London) – Rewriting the law: diachronic variation and register in Greek and Hittite legal language. 16.00 Barbara McGillivray (Alan Turing Institute) / Alessandro Vatri (Alan Turing Institute - University of Oxford) – Lexical polysemy across registers and time: A computational study of Ancient Greek 16.30 Tea/coffee break 17.00 Marina Benedetti (Università per Stranieri di Siena) – The case for the seventh case: comparative grammar and language teaching in antiquity 17.30 Marta Capano (Università di Napoli "L'Orientale") – Sicilicissitat: Greek and Latin in contact in Roman Sicily 18.00 James Clackson (University of Cambridge) – What’s in a Name? Latin names in Greek script 18th May – Ertegun House (morning session) / St Hilda’s College (afternoon session) 9.30 Elizabeth Tucker (University of Oxford) – Lexical Variation in Younger Avestan: the Problem of the ‘Ahuric’ and ‘Daevic’ Vocabularies Revisited 10.00 Juan Briceño-Villalobos (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) – Old Iranian correlative negation and its reflection in Achaemenid Elamite. 10.30 Robin Meyer (University of Oxford) – Alignment change and changing alignments: the Armenian perfect and its Iranian model 11.00 Tea/coffee break 11.30 Sonja Dahlgren (University of Helsinki) – Egyptian Greek: A contact variety (?) 12.00 Marja Vierros (University of Helsinki) – Variation and contact in the papyrus archive of the Katochoi of the Sarapieion 12.30 Victoria Fendel (University of Oxford) – Natural language use and bilingual interference: verbal complementation patterns in postclassical Greek 13.30 Lunch (St Hilda’ College) 15.00 Lucien Van Beek (Universiteit Leiden) – Dialect borrowing versus internal developments in epic Greek: Reconsidering the dative plural in -εσσι 15.30 Roberto Batisti (Università di Bologna) – Dis-assembling Cowgill’s Law: Greek ἄγυρις ‘gathering’ between dialectology and Indo-European reconstruction 16.00 Domenica Romagno (Università di Pisa) – Aspects of the verbal domain in Greek and Latin 16.30 Tea/coffee break 17.00 Annamaria Bartolotta (Università di Palermo) – Spatial Cognition and Frames of Reference in Indo- European 17.30 Laura Massetti (Københavns Universitet) – Young and Hungry: ἀκάκητα and the Gk. avatars of the IE Fire-god 18.00 Joshua Katz (Princeton University) – Variation, Change, and the Particular Consequences of a New Sound Law in Old Irish 18.45 Drinks 20.00 Dinner (St Hilda's College)
Invited speakers (Pisa conference):
Peter Barber (Oxford), Patrizia Bologna (Università di Milano), Michela Cennamo (Napoli Federico II), Carlo Consani (Chieti-Pescara), Paola Cotticelli (Verona), Bridget Drinka (University of Texas at San Antonio), Franco Fanciullo (Pisa), Brian Joseph (Ohio State), Romano Lazzeroni (Pisa), Marco Mancini (Roma “La Sapienza”), Paolo Poccetti (Roma “Tor Vergata”), Cecilia Poletto (Università di Padova), Adriano Rossi (Napoli "L'Orientale"), John Lowe (Oxford)
Complete list of speakers (Pisa conference)
Peter Barber (University of Oxford) – Analogical Change, Regional Variation and Contact in the Ancient Greek Dialects: -ζω verbs -δδω verbs, and their aorist
Jóhanna Barðdal / Gard B. Jenset / Laura Bruno / Esther Le Mair / Peter Alexander Kerkhof / Svetlana Kleyner/ Leonid Kulikov / Roland Pooth (Universiteit Gent) – Continuous Vector Space Models for Variation and Change in Sparse, Richly Annotated Indo-European Argument Structure Data
Davide Bertocci / Sira Rodeghiero / Emanuela Sanfelici (Università di Padova) – Aspectual distinctions under direct perception predicates
Patrizia Bologna (Università degli Studi di Milano) – Variazione, contatto e ricostruzione in indoeuropeistica: percorsi divergenti?
Michela Cennamo (Università di Napoli Federico II) – TBC
Carlo Consani (Università di Chieti-Pescara) – Plurilinguismo e motivazioni identitarie nel Mediterraneo del II/I a.C.: il caso della trilingue di Pauli Gerrei
Paola Cotticelli (Università degli Studi di Verona) – Plurilinguismo testuale nell'Anatolia del II millennio: l'euristica di una cultura
Francesca Cotugno (University of Nottingham - CSAD, University of Oxford) – Latinization of the north-western provinces: sociolinguistics, epigraphy and bilingualism. The Germanies.
Alessandro De Angelis (Università degli Studi di Messina) – La legge di Grassmann in greco: una chimera della ricostruzione?
Francesco Dedè / Maria Margherita Cardella (Università degli Studi di Milano) – Dinamiche di variazione e mutamento tra composizione e derivazione in greco antico
Bridget Drinka (University of Texas at San Antonio) - TBC
Franco Fanciullo (Università di Pisa) – Problemi di sostrato
José Luis García Ramón (Center for Hellenic Studies - Washington DC) – Contact, variation and change in Anatolian and Greek: the continuity of Indo-European lexicon and phraseology
Laura Grestenberger (Universität Wien) – Variation and change in the voice morphology of Indo-European reflexives
Cristina Guardiano (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia) / Chiara Bozzone (LMU München) – Adnominal ὁ ἡ τό in the Language of Homer: Syntactic Change or Stylistic Variation?
Brian Joseph (Ohio State University) – Here’s to a Long Life! Echoes of Indo-European Semantics in Albanian
Artemij Keidan (Università di Roma "La Sapienza") – Strong adjectives and similar phenomena, in the second generation IE languages
Romano Lazzeroni (Università di Pisa) – Il mutamento linguistico fra contatto, irradiazione e memoria: principi e percorsi
John Lowe (University of Oxford) – The Sanskrit periphrastic future
Robert Machado (University of Cambridge) – Competing verb stems as variables: the case of the perfect stem of γίγνομαι in Attic Greek
Marco Mancini (Università di Roma "La Sapienza") – TBC
Paolo Poccetti (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata") – Variazioni nelle iscrizioni ripetute dell'Italia antica
Cecilia Poletto (Università di Padova) - Why is it so? An analysis of the V3 cases after sí in Old Italian
Adriano Rossi (Università di Napoli "L'Orientale") – TBC
Andrea Scala (Università degli Studi di Milano) – Greek, Syriac and Iranian loanwords in ancient Armenian: reflexes of stop consonants in word initial-position
Poster presentations by:
Serena Barchi (Università di Roma "La Sapienza"); Sean Gleason (University of Yale); Lauriane Locatelli (Université catholique de Louvain / Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté); Felicia Logozzo (Università per Stranieri di Siena); Valentina Lunardi (Independent Researcher); Rossella Maraffino (Universität Bern); Giovanna Martino (Università Pontificia Salesiana); Veronica Milanova (Universität Wien) / Sampsa Holopainen (University of Helsinki) / Jeremy Bradley (LMU München); Nazarii A. Nazarov (Higher Education Academy of Sciences of Ukraine); Eleni Papadogiannaki (University of Crete); Roland Pooth (Universiteit Gent); Jean-Christophe Reinmuth (Paris 4 Sorbonne); Xenia Semionova (Lomonosov Moscow State University); Lucia Tamponi (Università di Pisa); Francesco Zuin (Università di Pisa).