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CALL. 15.02.2018: XVII Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua (UCM). VIII Edición I



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: María del Mar Rodríguez Alcocer ; Aida Fernández Prieto ; Marina Díaz Bourgeal ; David Serrano Ordozgoiti

INFO: web - facebook -

As every year, we announce the celebration of a new edition of the Encounter of Young Researchers in Ancient History, which will take place in the Faculty of Geografía e Historia of Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) the coming May, 9th, 10th and 11th, 2018.

Once again, we would like to express our gratitude for the support of the Geography and History Faculty and the Prehistory, Ancient History and Archaeology Department of the UCM, we wish to build a space for scientific debate and interchange among the antiquity young researchers.

As in previous editions, the meeting will be divided in three round table sessions, three more for individual papers and one more for posters.

The round table sessions, directed by specialists of recognized prestige, will tackle transversal topics in order to provide the dialogue between researchers with different perspectives of a common issue. Every round-table speech will last not more than 20 minutes. Individual-papers session welcomes every researcher who wishes to share the theoretical and methodological principles on which their doctoral researching is settled. Thus, every participant will count on a maximum time of 15 minutes.

Finally, there will be a poster session in which those researchers interested will be able to share their work. The way posters and printing process must be prepared can be consulted on our website.

In order to participate in any of the three sessions, applicants must fill the corresponding form for each of them. Documentation can be downloaded from the meeting website. It will only be accepted a proposal per person, whether for a round table, paper or poster session. Proposals in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian or English will be accepted. Once the applying form is filled, it shall be sent to the meeting mail account: Deadline for proposals submitting will be February, 15th, 2018. Proposals sent out of date, or not fitting the general downloadable form, will be immediately rejected.

Registration fees for speakers will be 20€ for round-table and expositions, and 10€ for each author of the posters. The organization will provide five grants with 80€ for travel and the exemption of registration fees. Those who are interested must communicate it in the proposal document. CV and the place of origin will be considered.

It will be possible to publish the papers in the digital journal Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua. All the articles have to be accepted in the peer review process.

Finally, we present the information concerning the round tables. We look forward to your proposals!

Dissident sexualities, crossed genders Patricia González Gutiérrez (US)

The terms sex, gender, sexuality or sexual orientation have been carefully studied, reformulated and defined in the last years. The deconstruction of the classic morals and the opening to societies with very different concepts have opened up new ways of understanding the own identity outside the heteronormativity or the classic binary distinction.

Some of the terms that have defined the most our own understanding of sex and sexuality were hugely developed and justified in Antiquity, from the sexual hierarchization, the boom of heterosexuality during Late Antiquity or the very binary sexual distinction. However, over this period we also find examples of break, transgression and exceptionality that the sources describe as curious facts, as barbaric otherness or with deep horror.

The intersexuality as prodigia in Rome, (D., I, 5, 10; Plin., HN, VII, 34; Gel., IX, IV, 13; D. S., XXXII, 10, 12), the examples of third gender or of role reversal among the barbarian peoples (such as the Amazons or the anarieans of Hp., Aer, 22), the gender transgression in Christian martyrs such as Perpetua and Felicitas, or Thecla, or the use of the concept of sexual perversion as an attack to power, show us a much more many-sided reality than we can commonly see.

These exceptions and rebellions (real or imagined), the non-normative cases (conscious or unconsciously) and the reactions of society to them, allow us to see how terms that we still maintain today are formed, the fear to break with them and how to deal with ideas that are naturalized to such an extent that they are introduced in people from the cradle… And even before.

Boehringer, S., L’homosexualité féminine dans l’Antiquité greque et romaine, París, 2007 King, H., Hippocrates' Woman: Reading the Female Body in Ancient Greece, Londres, 2002. Mayhew, R., The female in Aristotle’s biology. Reason or rationalization, Chicago y Londres, 2004. Nieto, J. A. (ed.). Transexualidad, transgenerismo y cultura. Antropología, identidad y género. Madrid, 1998. Ranke-Heinemann, U., Eunucos por el reino de los cielos, Madrid, 1994.

The land management in Antiquity Hernán Gonzalez Bordas (UAH)

Like in every agrarian society, the land was in ancient societies one of the most precious goods. From Mesopotamia to Rome and throughout Antiquity, the authority never managed the land ownership in the same way. We can talk of two main groups of goods: on one side, the royal or imperial lands generally constitute big domains – together with nobiliary lands, owned by the elites, of similar conditions. On the other hand, we find public lands (for example, the agri populi romani), attached either to population centres or to communities. The management of both land groups – without being homogeneous inside those groups- differed not only because of the State administration, but also because of direct users and because of sporadic intermediate elements.

In the first group, we can find land renting systems that work through contracts, share-cropping systems, as well as systems of emphyteusis, of tenant farming and, more rarely, of tax payment. In the second group, the most widespread is the tax system, but this one has many variants, even inside the same ancient State. Such is the case of tributum or stipendium in Rome, according to different provinces.

The aim of this round table is to consider the degree in which different systems were introduced as well as to elucidate how flexible the different States in Antiquity were when adopting these systems, considering the geographic realities, the customs of each region and, lust but not least, the specific needs of the States. The sources to carry out these analyses can be literary, epigraphic, archaeological, etcetera.

Bowman, A., & A. Wilson (2013): The Roman Agricultural Economy Organization, Investment, and Production, Oxford. Maiuro, M., (2012): Res Caesaris. Ricerche sulla proprieta imperiale nel Principato, Bari. Mileta, Chr., (2008): Der König und sein Land. Untersuchungen zur Herrschaft der hellenistischen Monarchen über das königliche Gebiet Kleinasiens und seine Bevölkerung, Berlin. Zurbach, J., (2017): Les hommes, la terre et la dette en Grèce. c. 1400 - c. 500 a.C. (2 Vol.), Bordeaux.

The city in the Ancient World. More than urbanism Alberto Romero Molero (U. Isabel I)

In recent times, research devoted to ancient cities in general and household spaces in particular, traditionally focused on urban or constructive aspects, have been focusing broader social and economic issues; thus transcending the architecture to get closer to the real agents: the people who inhabited these urban centers. In this session we would like to open the debate to young researchers working on these issues, both in the Classical period conventionally considered -Greek and Roman- and in neighboring and contemporary cultures without which we could not understand the ancient world of the western Mediterranean (Phoenician- Punic, Etruscan or Iberian).

There will be room, therefore, for studies devoted to household spaces, family and gender issues, to the social or economic organization of urban spaces, household religiosity, etc. but also, in particular, works that offer new interpretative or methodological approaches related to spatial syntax, building archeology, among others.

AULT, B.A. y NEVETT, L.C. (eds.) (2005): Ancient Greek Houses and Households, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. BERMEJO TIRADO, J. (ed.) (2015): Aplicaciones de Sintaxis Espacial en Arqueología, Arqueología de la Arquitectura 12, Madrid / Vitoria. GUTIÉRREZ LLORET, S. y GRAU MIRA, I. (Eds.) (2013): De la estructura doméstica al espacio social. Lecturas arqueológicas del uso social del espacio, Serie Arqueología, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, Alicante. JOLIVET, V. (2011): Tristes portiques: sur le plan canonique de la maison étrusque et romaine des origines au principat d´Auguste (VIe-Ier siècles av. J.-c.), Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome, 342, École française de Rome, Rome. YASUR-LANDAU, A., EBELING, J.R. y MAZOW, L.B. (Eds.) (2011): Household Archaeology in Ancient Israel and Beyond, Culture & History of Ancient Near East, 50, Leiden-Boston, Brill.

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