CALL. 22.12.2017: [PANEL 1] Un-damning Domitian: reassessing the last Flavian princeps (Panel at CCC

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: St Andrews University (St Andrews, Scotland)
INFO: web -
The Flavian Research Network aims to run the following panel at the 2018 Celtic Conference in Classics, (St Andrews University, 11-14 July 2018): ‘Un-damning Domitian: reassessing the last Flavian princeps’. Subject to the panel's acceptance, we anticipate that we will have space for around 20 speakers over three days.
We invite expressions of interest from all those interested in participating and ask for
(i) title and short abstract (max 200 words) by 5pm 22 Dec 2017
Please email Emma Buckley ( with proposed topic/title and for any further help: for the full call for papers see below.
‘Un-damning Domitian: reassessing the last Flavian princeps’
It has now been twenty years since Brian Jones and Pat Southern attempted to get to grips with Domitian, through the prisms of prosopography and psychology. Since then, much has changed. Archaeology and numismatics has exposed more fully Domitian’s visual strategies of self-representation and the profound vision of his architectural and building programmes; historians have provided a more nuanced perspective on Domitian’s relationship with the senate, his contribution to the ever-evolving imperial cult, his military, social and economic policies. A boom in the study of Flavian literature has advanced understanding of the ways epic, lyric and epigram frame the emperor, together with a new appreciation of the socially and culturally-engaged prose literature of the age. A similar surge in Nervan-Trajanic studies now offers a firmer footing to deconstruct the ways in which ‘Domitian’ was received and re-created as tyrannical monster, even as his successor emperors continued his policies. And scholars in Jewish and Biblical studies, Medieval and Renaissance literature, Political theory and Philosophy have tracked the nachleben of the emperor condemned to oblivion through antiquity, the Middle Ages and beyond.
In short, the time is right for a major re-appraisal of the last Flavian princeps. This conference aims to bring together a truly interdisciplinary community of scholars, in order to make progress towards a new understanding of Domitian and his world. We invite proposals from history, art and archaeology, literature and philosophy, and are particularly keen to bring together doctoral students with more established scholars. We welcome in particular proposals that aim to read across and beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries within Classics, jointly-authored or collaborative papers, and papers that expand the traditional focus of studies of Domitian: e.g. via engagement with new cultural and literary theories, modes of understanding from psychology, political science, and communication studies; the ‘reception’ of Domitian in literature, historiography and philosophy, from Trajan to Trump.
Please direct expressions of interest and enquiries to Emma Buckley ( We require a title and short abstract (max 200 words) from all proposed participants by 5pm 22 Dec 2017.