CALL. 22.12.2017: Center for Ancient Studies Graduate Conference: “Afterlives” - Philadelphia (PA, U

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Katherine Burge (AAMW, University of Pennsylvania)
Penn’s Center for Ancient Studies invites proposals of papers from graduate students in any discipline relating to the study of the ancient and medieval worlds. The topic of this year’s conference is “afterlives.” The concept of an afterlife was widespread in the ancient and medieval worlds, with different cultures developing a range of beliefs, rituals, and practices in response to the fundamental questions of human existence and mortality. In its most literal sense, the term “afterlife” refers to some form of continued existence after the death of a physical body. Considered more broadly, the term “afterlife” may be extended to the material world, referring to the continued or renewed use of an object beyond what may be considered its lifetime. The intangible aspects of culture can also persist in this sense. The plural “afterlives” connotes multiple ways of interpreting the term, making it a productive locus for research on a wide range of topics. Possible subjects include: The concept of life after death expressed in texts, objects, burial practices, and rituals
The afterlives of texts, reconsidered and repurposed through allusion, intertext, translation, interpretation, and other forms of reception
The afterlives of objects, monuments, buildings, and archaeological sites Reuse, recycling, appropriation, spoliation, subversion Memory, tradition, and legacy Research on cultural heritage designation and preservation, as well as on museums and collecting is also encouraged. Proposals should include a title and an abstract of no more than 250 words that summarizes the work, identifies the methodology, and states the primary conclusions. CAS encourages interdisciplinary research that utilizes multiple sources of evidence, including material culture, texts, iconography, experimental and ethnographic studies, and archaeological sciences. Send all materials to with the subject heading CAS Abstract: APPLICANT NAME. Please include your affiliation in the body of the email. Deadline for abstracts is December 22, 2017. Applicants will be notified of the status of their paper by the beginning of January. The Center for Ancient Studies strives to bring together scholars from different disciplines engaged in the study of pre-modern cultures. Our Center aims to model an expansive and global vision of the study of the ancient world, spanning Greco-Roman cultures, the Near East, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. For more information see <>