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The Language of Greek Religion -12/12/2017, London (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12/12/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Valerie James; King’s College London; Institute of Classical Studies (School of Advanced Study, University of London)



9:45 Arrival and registration

10:00 Introduction

Session 1 Chair: Sol Tor (King’s College London)

10:15 - 10:50 Chris FARAONE (The University of Chicago) "The Language of Ancient Greek Incantations"

10:50 - 11:25 Theodora JIM (Lancaster University) "The semantics of soter, soteria and sozein in Greek religion"

11:25 - 11:40 Coffee break

Session 2 Chair: Sol Tor (King’s College London)

11:40 - 12:15 Andrej PETROVIC (University of Virginia) “Syneidesis/syneidos/synoid-: from context to concept in Greek religion”

12:15 - 12:50 Chris BIELAWSKI (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) “Purification by Fire: Words and Deeds”

12:50 - 13:25 Robert PARKER (New College, Oxford) “Hagnos/hagneia in Greek religion”

13:25 - 14:30 Lunch

Session 3 Chair: Christy Constantakopoulou (Birkbeck College)

14:30 - 15:05 Ian RUTHERFORD (University of Reading) "Lexical Entanglements: Near Eastern and Hittite influence on the Greek sacred vocabulary"

15:05 - 15:40 Stefano CANEVA (Universities of Padova and Toulouse) “The Augustan Principate and the semantic change of isotheos: From ritual equation to conceptual hierarchy.”

15:40 - 15:55 Coffee Break

Session 4 Chair: Yannis Papadogiannakis (King’s College London)

15:55 - 16:30 Saskia PEELS (University of Groningen) “A linguistic approach to Greek polytheism”

16:30 - 17:05 Helma DIK (The University of Chicago) “Measuring Greek Religion”

17:05 - 17:40 Irene POLINSKAYA (King’s College London) “Greek Religion: From Lexicon to Semantics”

17:40-18:00 Concluding remarks

18:00-19:00 Reception

19:30 Dinner for speakers

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