Local and global: the literary landscape and the politics of place in the Hellenistic world - 24/03/

The graduate students at Harvard University’s Classics department invite abstract submissions for the upcoming graduate student conference, “Local and global: The literary landscape and the politics of place in the Hellenistic world.” We hope to explore the productive tension between the global and the local in Hellenistic literature, as it relates to the political goals of empires and city-states. How did scholars and poets supported by royal patronage construct the world around them? To what extent were literary trends globalized or localized? Were they affected by imperial and civic boundaries? We interpret literature widely as everything from Alexandrian poetry to scientific treatises to literary inscriptions.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 24/03/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Harvard University’s Classics department (Cambridge, MA, USA)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Harvard University’s Classics department
INFO: harvardgradconf@gmail.com