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CALL. 16.02.2018: 11th MOISA meeting: Music and Materiality - Reading (England)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Andrew Barker; Armand D’Angour; Stefan Hagel; James Lloyd; Tosca Lynch; Angelo Meriani; Ian Rutherford; Sylvain Perrot; Stelios Psaroudakes; Donatella Restani; Eleonora Rocconi

INFO: web -


Music was a key part of Greek and Roman life, and this conference seeks to explore how the material world can inform us about Greek and Roman musical customs: from iconography, epigraphy, archaeological contexts, the instruments themselves, to how literary texts engage with material aspects of music. Key previous works have either focused on a particular family of instruments (Maas & Snyder 1989), or within a particular locale (Bundrick 2005), but more recently the exhibition MUSIQUES! ÉCHOS DE L'ANTIQUITÉ at the Louvre-Lens, and the work of the European Music Archaeology Project, have more broadly contextualised images and artefacts related to ancient music.

To build on these works, a wide range of approaches are encouraged. Questions or topics of interest might include:

• Is music represented differently in varying media?

• Do specific artists depict music(ians) in individual ways?

• In what archaeological contexts are musical instruments or depictions of music(ians) found?

• How were musical instruments manufactured?

• The archaeology of performance venues.

• Music and the epigraphic record.

• How do texts engage with the material presence of music(ians)?

• Are there distinctions between how music and musicians are represented in art compared to texts?

• What are the limitations of using iconographical/ epigraphical/ archaeological evidence?

The conference will include a concert of ancient music, and an afternoon of hands-on aulos reed making is planned too. The conference will coincide with the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology’s temporary exhibition ‘Music and Materiality’, where the Reading aulos, and a variety of other objects relating to music in the ancient world, will be on display.

We welcome paper proposals of no more than 500 words. Presentations must not be longer than 20 minutes, with a 10 minute discussion following each paper. We also welcome poster submissions.

Proposals should be sent to James Lloyd ( by 16th February 2018.

Abstract submission is open to all, but only MOISA members (whether regular or student) will be eligible to deliver a paper at the Meeting. A selection of the papers delivered at the conference will be published in a dedicated issue of Greek and Roman Musical Studies, the first specialist periodical entirely devoted to ancient Greek and Roman music:

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