Administrative and Cultic Aspects of Centralization in Ancient Israel. Archaeological and Biblical P

Up to now, the concept of centralization plays a significant role for reconstructing the history of ancient Israel. The immense relevance of this category relies on the traditional notion that Deuteronomy`s original version comprised a program of centralization in support of the Josianic reform which is considered a historical event to a certain degree. As a consequence, centralization became one of the most established categories or concepts in biblical scholarship and was adopted – almost without further evaluation – in Archaeology, highly influencing the interpretation of cultic structures, contexts, objects etc.
We anticipate that an interdisciplinary meeting of archaeologists and biblical scholars will trigger a dynamic and fruitful discussion. Thisapproach can shed new light on the development of ancient Israelitesociety and religion and renew the understanding of the historicalcontexts in which discourses and praxes related to centralizationgradually developed
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 18-19/12/2017
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Room 133, Gilman Building, Tel Aviv University (Tel Aviv, Israel)
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Monday, 18th of December
9:00 Welcome Adress Israel Finkelstein and Oded Lipschits (Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv) SESSION: ARCHAEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Chair: Sabine Kleiman 9:10 Cult in the Jezreel and Beth Shean Valleys in the Iron Age II Erin Hall (Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv) 9:55 Between Hazael and Jeroboam II: Cult Places in Northeastern Israel and Southwestern Syria and the Establishment of the Shrine at Tel Dan Assaf Kleiman (Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv) 10:40 Coffee Break 11:00 De-centralized Cult in Iron Age Philistine Gath? Insights on the Political and Ideological Background of Iron Age Cult at Gath Aren Maeir (Bar Ilan University; Ramat Gan) 11:45 Considerations on the Study of Judahite Cult in the Iron IIA; Preliminary Reflections from The Temple at Moẓa Shua Kisilevitz (Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv) 12:30 Lunch Break SESSION: BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE I Chair: Erin Hall 14:00 Temple Economy in Achaemenid Judah Peter Bedford (Union College; New York) 14:45 Economy and Administration in Persian Period Judah and the Role of the Jerusalemite Temple Oded Lipschits (Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv) 15:30 Discussion and Summary of the Day Tuesday, 19th of December SESSION: BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE II
Chair: Erin Hall 9:00 Cultic Diversity and Cult Centralization in the Books of the so-called Deuteronomistic History Thomas Römer (Lausanne University; Lausanne) 9:45 Centralization in the Priestly Traditions: The Case of the Tabernacle Christophe Nihan (Lausanne University; Lausanne) 10:30 Coffee Break SESSION: COMBINING ARCHAEOLOGICAL, BIBLICAL AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES Chair: Omer Sergi 11:00 Concepts of Sacred Places from an Archaeological and Biblical Perspective Katharina Pyschny & Sabine Kleiman (Lausanne University & Tel Aviv University) 11:45 Regional Centralization in Persian Period Samaria and the Relationship between Samarian and Judean Yahwism(s) Benedikt Hensel (University of Zurich; Zurich) 12:30 Lunch Break 14:00 Discussion and Conclusive Summary