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Diversity and Uniformity in the Archaic Greek World - 23-24-25/05/2018, Hanover (NH, USA)

The Archaic Greek world was remarkable for its diversity. As Greeks dispersed throughout the Mediterranean basin, the different environmental and human ecosystems they encountered almost inevitably led to important differences among widely scattered communities. Moreover, even communities situated relatively close to one another often responded in remarkably different ways to similar demographic, political, social, and economic challenges. At the same time, Greek communities had important commonalities, most notably language, and were bound together by a loosely structured but highly active network of commercial, cultural, diplomatic, and military ties.

Diversity and uniformity are thus key issues for a broad range of scholarship on the Archaic Greek world. There is, nonetheless, a long-established tendency to focus attention on a limited number of communities, most notably Athens. That tendency has been frequently lamented, and with good reason: it implicitly homogenizes and inevitably impoverishes our perceptions of the Greek world. Decades of excavation and scholarship have greatly enriched our knowledge of dozens of Archaic Greek communities. The resulting information, however, has not been integrated and synthesized as regularly as it should be, for a variety of reasons. Of particular importance is the fact that much of this information is scattered among hundreds of publications. Even in cases where individual communities, such as Corinth and Miletus, have been the subject of scholarly monographs, the resulting publications take widely varying approaches with respect to the types of evidence considered and the methodologies used. The resulting lack of commensurability makes integration and synthesis difficult.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 23-24-25/05/2018


INFO: web -



OHAGW will provide detailed studies of 29 sites, sanctuaries, and regions in Greece during the Archaic period. Each essay in OHAGW will be built around the same set of eleven rubrics, so that it will be possible to read either vertically (reading a complete study of a single site) or horizontally (reading, for example, about the economic history of a number of different sites). Taken together, these studies will add unprecedented depth and subtlety to our evidence for and understanding of diversity and uniformity in the Archaic Greek world.

The speakers at this conference will discuss how the particular site, sanctuary or region about which they are writing for OHAGW contributes to our understanding of diversity and uniformity in the Archaic Greek world. The schedule of the conference – all sessions of which will be plenary – is such as to leave a considerable amount of time for questions, answers, and general discussion.

Zosia Archibald (University of Liverpool, speaking on Macedonia)

Hélène Aurigny (Aix-Marseille University, speaking on Delphi)

Gregory Bonnin (Bordeaux Montaigne University, speaking on the Cyclades)

David Braund (University of Exeter, speaking on Olbia)

Joseph Carter (University of Texas, speaking on Metapontion)

Matteo d’Acunto (Università degli Studi di Napoli l’Orientale, speaking on Pithekoussai/Cumae)

Franco de Angelis (University of British Columbia, speaking on Syracuse)

Adolfo Dominguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, speaking on Massalia)

Sylvian Fachard (ASCSA, speaking on Euboea)

Giuseppe Lentini (Sapienza University of Rome, speaking on Chios/Lesbos/Samos)

Yannis Lolos (University of Thessaly, speaking on Sicyon)

Astrid Möller (University of Freiburg, speaking on Naukratis)

Catherine Morgan (Oxford University, speaking on northwestern Greece)

Sarah Murray (University of Toronto, speaking on Chios/Lesbos/Samos)

Robin Osborne (Cambridge University, speaking on Athens)

Paula Perlman (University of Texas, speaking on Crete)

James Roy (University of Nottingham, speaking on Arcadia)

David Scahill (ASCSA, speaking on Corinth)

Michael Scott (University of Warwick, speaking on Delphi)

Reinhard Senff (DAI Athens, speaking on Olympia)

Matthew Simonton (University of Arizona, speaking on Chios/Lesbos/Samos)

Maria Stamatopoulou (Oxford University, speaking on Thessaly)

Anja Ulbrich (Oxford University, speaking on Cyrpus)

Andrew Ward (New York University, speaking on western Sicily)

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