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CALL. 31.01.2018: [PANEL 4] Texts, Traditions, Transmission: New Work on the Latin Classics (Panel



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Justin Stover (Lecturer in Medieval Latin, University of Edinburgh); Jarrett Welsh (Associate Professor of Classics, University of Toronto)

INFO: web -


Even if our editions of classical Latin texts were “good enough to live with,” one could not say the same about our knowledge of their survival. While some traditions have received extensive study, many others—particularly those of non-literary texts—remain not much advanced from the modern editorial foundations laid in the nineteenth century. While technological and intellectual progress has made it possible to say more, and more easily, about the circuitous paths of texts from antiquity to the age of print, in many traditions we have only scratched the surface of what these advances will permit us to achieve. Herculean efforts have produced systematic surveys of manuscripts by centuries, detailed catalogues of individual libraries, and careful analyses of scribes and scripts, yet much remains to be done to integrate those painstaking labours into new and updated accounts of how our texts survived. Nor have we completely escaped old priorities and biases. Even for texts that have received extensive editorial scrutiny there often remain extraordinary gaps in our knowledge, particularly as concerns their later circulation: “recentiores, non deteriores” is no longer controversial, but many questions about later witnesses, especially in populous traditions, have gone as yet unasked. This panel therefore aims to highlight the questions that can be asked, or can be answered afresh, by building on these advances. We hope to promote and to stimulate new work on the transmission of classical Latin texts, asking traditional and new questions alike as a means both to advance our knowledge about individual texts, and to exemplify the significant research that still remains to be done on the history of so many classical Latin texts. Topics for papers might include: - traditions of non-literary texts, such as medical or grammatical texts - traditions of late-antique Latin translations of Greek texts - cases of non-standard transmission, such as of ancient scholarship, paremiology, notae, maps, etc. - provenance of individual manuscripts - reanalysis of major traditions - recentiores and the earliest printed editions - protohistory of texts, or transmission from before the earliest manuscripts - interaction between text and materiality in transmission The 11th Celtic Conference in Classics will be held at the University of St Andrews, 11-14 July 2018. For this panel we invite papers of 35-40 minutes in length, to be followed by 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion. The languages of the Celtic Conference in Classics are English and French. Organisers: Justin Stover (Lecturer in Medieval Latin, University of Edinburgh) Jarrett Welsh (Associate Professor of Classics, University of Toronto) Please submit titles and abstracts of approximately 300 words (preferably as .pdf attachments) to the organisers ( by 31 January, 2018. Decisions will be communicated shortly thereafter.

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