Holism and the Ancient World. Combined Approaches in Archaeology, Numismatics, and Beyond -03/03/201

The Oxford University Archaeological and Numismatic Societies are pleased to co-host their student conference. The theme, “Holism and the Ancient World”, invites undergraduate and postgraduate students to take a multi-faceted or interdisciplinary approach as they present and exchange innovative research and ideas on the past.
The material culture of ancient civilizations presents an immediate connection between students and their understanding of the ancient world. Sculpture, painting, and architecture, among other media, prove essential in illuminating socio-political, military, and religious practices. Coins are no different in this respect; their imagery, composition and context provide further insight into a culture’s economy, politics, and trade networks.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 03/03/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Ioannou Centre (Oxford, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Oxford University Numismatic Society Committee; the Oxford University Archaeological Society Committee
INFO: rahul.raza@some.ox.ac.uk ; daniel.edwards@magd.ox.ac.uk
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Gratis/free/gratuito Deadline: 01/03/2018
Se ruega enviar un email con nombre y afiliación universitaria a /please send an email with your name and university affiliation /sono pregati di inviare una e-mail con il tuo nome e l'affiliazione universitaria a joseph.robson@lmh.ox.ac.uk b
Free lunch, teas and coffees provided.
10.00-10.05 Welcome & Introduction 10.05-10.35 Blagovesta Atanassova (Lincoln College, Oxford) Livia and Octavia: Power and Independence. A Holistic Approach 10.35-11.05 Arsen Nisenyen (Balliol College, Oxford) Explaining the sixth century collapse; or, how not to use interdisciplinary approaches 11.05-11.20 Break (Free Coffee & Tea Provided) 11.20-11.50 Maria Kovalchuk (University of Pennsylvania) Reconsidering Greek Space in Pausanias 11.50-12.20 Davide Morassi (Brasenose College, Oxford) The Popularity of Tyrants: An Interdisciplinary Analysis. 12.20-12.50 Paula Gaither (Christ Church, Oxford) Ai Khanoum: Navigating the Ideologies of the Hellenistic World 12.50-13.30 Lunch Break (Free Lunch Provided) 13.30-14.00 Joseph Robson (Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford) An Earl’s Prerogative: Numismatics, Archaeology and Aristocracy in Eighteenth Century England 14.00-14.30 Dessa Meehan (Kellogg College, Oxford) Myth, Legend, and Legitimacy: Reconstructing the Mythological Panels of the Ara Pacis and the Perpetuation of Augustan Power