Women and Pilgrimage in the Ancient and Pre-Modern World - 08-09/06/2018, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
The aim of the conference is to explore the social dimensions of women’s religiously motivated travel (“pilgrimage”) by taking a cross-cultural and diachronic perspective on the phenomenon. Pilgrimage is an element of popular ritual practice in many societies from earliest antiquity and from a wide range of geographic and cultural backgrounds, taking the form of travel to sanctuaries, shrines, holy persons, for commemorating the dead or for healing. The question this conference seeks to answer is: how did women’s participation in religious travel contribute to their accessing or expressing social agency, religious authority, or power over their bodies within their communities? We are interested in pilgrimage as a form of “lived religion”, that is, as a popular expression of religious participation. By adopting a broad definition of pilgrimage, we hope to reach out beyond the traditional interpretation as applying to mainly Christian practice and forge connections with other cultures and periods in time. The chronological range ends with the modern period and the advent of widespread mechanized travel, i.e. ca. 1900.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 08-09/06/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
INFO: womenandpilgrimage2018@gmail.com