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CALL. 01.03.2018: The Graduate Workshop in Ancient Greek & Roman Music - Oxford (England)




ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Harry Morgan (DPhil candidate at St Cross College, University of Oxford); Spencer Klavan (DPhil candidate at Magdalen College, University of Oxford); James Lloyd (PhD candidate at University of Reading)

INFO: call -


We invite Master’s and Doctoral students working on subjects relating to Ancient Greek and Roman music to submit abstracts for a graduate workshop to be held at the University of Oxford on 29th June 2018. The study of music in antiquity has seen rapid growth and advancement in recent years, and the field has attracted the interest of an increasing number of graduate students. The aim of this conference is to encourage these developments by providing a unique forum for postgraduates interested in aspects of Greek and Roman music to present their work and develop their contributions.

We encourage abstracts for 20-minute papers in English relating to any aspect of ancient music, including:

∙ Social, political, and cultural contexts

∙ Practice and performance

∙ Archaeomusicology

∙ Art historical approaches

∙ Textual criticism

∙ Reception of Greek and Roman music

∙ Comparative approaches

The conference will take place at the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, Oxford, which is fully wheelchair accessible, on Friday 29th June 2018. Attendance will be open to academics and researchers at any stage in their careers; refreshments and a sandwich lunch will be provided free of charge. The workshop will be followed by an informal dinner at a local restaurant.

Please submit an abstract of 200-300 words, including name, institution, and degree programme, to by 1st March 2018. Any enquiries may be sent to the same address.

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