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The Classical Association of the Atlantic States Annual Meeting - 04-05-06/10/2018, Philadelphia (PA

We invite individual and group proposals on all aspects of the classical world and classical reception, and on new strategies and resources for improved teaching. Especially welcome are presentations that aim at maximum audience participation and integrate the concerns of K-12 and college faculty, that consider ways of communicating about ancient Greece and Rome outside of our discipline and profession, and that reflect on the past and present of classical studies in Philadelphia and its environs. We are hoping to include an undergraduate research session featuring presentations based on outstanding term papers, senior theses or other scholarly projects. Our Clack Lecturer will be Emily Greenwood of Yale University, speaking on “What Thucydides Didn’t Write: Adventures on the Frontiers of World Literature and World History.”

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 04-05-06/10/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: The Classical Association of the Atlantic States

INFO: web - -



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