CALL. 15.02.2018: [SESSION 7] Gendered, diverse, inclusive archaeological museums? Proposals and exp

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona - Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Prof. Lourdes PRADOS TORREIRA ; Prof. Doris Gutsmiedl-Schümann ; Dr. Ana Cristina Martins
INFO: web -
«During the last decades more and more archaeological museums started to include a gender perspective and developed new exhibitions and educational projects. By establishing a critical attitude towards the traditional androcentric discourses and gender roles, museums started to make not only women, but also other marginalized groups in society more visible. Modern archaeological exhibitions seem to be more diverse and inclusive.
Therefore, it is time to present and discuss the different experiences carried out in recent years in European archaeological museums with more gendered, diverse and inclusive approaches, in order to develop a framework of reflection in a “museology of gender and diversity”, conceived as a more integrative, social and egalitarian approach to the heritage presented there.
Paper and poster proposals may include topics like
- theoretical advances in the studies of gender archaeology and its reflection in museums
- museums as an educational tool to achieve gender equality
- experiences in community museums and temporary exhibitions
- public studies as a diagnostic tool to advance in education of equality
- aspects of communication, journalism and merchandising
- experiences of museum educational service and informative departments
With the organization of this session, we intend to highlight the idea that archaeological museums can transmit an inclusive history that helps to make visible the traditionally marginalized groups of society, in order to contribute to a more egalitarian education and to provide a more equal approach to heritage.
Museums, archaeology, gender, diversity, Heritage»