CALL. 15.02.2018: [SESSION 8] Archaeology and interdisciplinarity & interdisciplinarity in archa

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona - Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr. Ana Cristina Martins ; Prof. Isabel Ordieres Díez
INFO: web -
«Rooted in scientific areas as diverse as architecture and geology, archaeology was affirmed in the 19th century through collaboration with other disciplines such as philology and anthropology. On the other hand, archaeology played a fundamental role in the establishment of the fields of conservation and restoration. Meanwhile, it was contemplated in heritage policy and legislation, contributed to the production of knowledge divulged in different supports and ways, as well as to the development of the tourism.
Bringing together interests, purposes and procedures defined by different actors, individual and collective, public and private, local, regional, national and transnational, archaeology has been evolving theoretically and methodologically due to new ways of looking at the past. New ways that have been and are being generated by (and together to) other human and social sciences, as well as enhanced and / or urged by exact and natural sciences.
This session invites papers and posters dealing with topics such as:
- archaeology and other sciences;
- interdisciplinarity, reanalysis and reuses of the past;
- archaeology, heritage preservation and museums;
- teaching archaeology;
- archaeology, journalism, mass communication, digital platforms and new social nets;
- archaeology, cultural tourism and sustainable development.
Following the previous seminar organized within the research project ‘InterArq-Archaeology and Interdisciplinarity’ (Barcelona, 2017) this session aims to obtain a broader (geographical, chronological and thematic) picture of this issue.
Archaeology, Interdisciplinarity; Reanalysis; Reuses.»