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CALL.18.01.2018: Cultural heritage-materials, techniques and knowledge perspectives on a common iden

he 2018 E-MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit will be held in Strasbourg (France) from the 18th to the 22nd of June 2018. During this international Conference Symposium CC will be held on “Cultural heritage-materials, techniques and knowledge perspectives on a common identity”.

Since 2003, this event brings together different experts working in the field of Cultural Heritage, evidencing the importance of our historical legacy and that access, preservation and education on CH are essential for humankind evolution, representing an irreplaceable source of life, inspiration and unity.

The organization of this symposium is the natural outcome of the general need for further studies and research to better understand the dynamic relationship between heritage conservation and the various dimensions it involves, from Materials Science and Natural Science for CH, Digital Science, the use of advanced instrumentation and large scale Infrastructures, as well as implications of sustainable development, with particular attention to the effect on CH produced by natural hazards and climate change effects.



LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: (Strasbourg, (France)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Chair Giuseppina PADELETTI (ISMN-CNR, Rome, Italy) ; Co-Chairs João Pedro VEIGA (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) ; Michel MENU (C2RMF, Paris, France)

INFO: web - - -


The European Commission strategically placed Cultural Heritage on the agenda by proposing the European Year of Cultural Heritage for 2018. Symposium CC addresses this challenge by being a common ground where best practices and solutions in the knowledge of arts, archaeology and ancient technology can be discussed, promoting a close cooperation between researchers, academia, professionals, students, policy makers and authorities for the understanding of our common memory and identity and its rich European, regional and local diversity.

We invite you to submit a contribution to the CC Symposium in all Cultural Heritage related matters.

Please check all information on the website where you can find the hot topics of the symposium such as Current and emerging technologies, Large scale facilities (Synchrotron, neutron and ion beam), Non-destructive methodologies, New sustainable solutions, Multi-scale imaging, Monitoring environmental conditions, Modelling and Theoretical approaches, Authentication, Dating, Metrology, Climate changes, Hydro-geological and seismic

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