Religion of Quarters Practicing Religion on a Neighbourhood Scale in the Hellenistic and Imperial Pe

The conference seeks to bring together scholar from different fields, such as archaeology, classics, ancient philology, religious history and ancient history, in order to discuss how material urban space and culture affected the shape of non-elite religious representations, conducts, and experiences during the Hellenistic and Roman Period (‘Urban Religion’). For the study of ancient Mediterranean religions, basic units of dwelling, working, and gathering in densely-populated and socially heterogeneous quarters of the larger cities of the empire form a privileged focus of investigation. Often devoid of monumental complexes of ‘built religion’, they are to be investigated alongside family traditions and networks, street- and neighbourhood-based linkages, as well as occupational and commercial ties and the local web of various religious ‘small groups’ (including Jews and Jesus followers). The kind of religion taking place on this scale of the urban fabric and life is traditionally grouped under the questionable rubric of ‘private’ or ‘domestic religion’.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 04-05-06/07/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Eisenach (Germany)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Harry Maier (Vancouver School of Theology) ; Max Weber Centre - University of Erfurt) ; Jörg Rüpke (Max Weber Centre – University of Erfurt) ; Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli (Max Weber Centre – University of Erfurt)