CALL. 15.02.2018: [PANEL 10 at ASOR 2018] Object, Text and Image: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Se

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: The Denver Marriott Tech Center, Denver (CO, USA)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Oya Topçuoğlu (Northwestern University); SarahJ. Scott (Wagner College)
Papers in the Object, Text, and Image: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Seals, Sealing Practices, and Administration session at the 2016 and 2017 meetings considered glyptic materials through methodologies of practice, function, regional variation, audience, gender, iconography, and materiality. In all of the contributions, authors relied on analysis of both text and image. In the 2018 session we look to build upon two aspects of engagement that have been particularly fruitful in these past sessions. Building on and pushing past the tradition of text and image studies, we want to examine the specificity of the relationship between image and text. In other words, do these objects use text and image, text in image, or text on image; to what extent is the text/image binary ambiguous; to what extent is the text or image present? Second, we aim to explore how the glyptic material world addresses the concept of identity.
Papers may approach the question of identity from any perspective, including but not limited to gender, office, region, ethnicity, body, personhood, and/or profession; papers may also question if identity relates to glyptic material. We seek papers that explore these questions of text/image and identity through the status of seals and sealings as objects; to what extent does the artifact’s object-hood speak to these modes of inquiry? Presenters can submit an abstract of 250 words or less via ASOR's Online Abstract Management System at Please note that professional membership ( and registration ( for the Annual Meeting are required at the time of abstract submission. Please contact Oya Topçuoğlu at for questions.