CALL. 15.02.2018: [PANEL 13 at ASOR 2018] Thinking, Speaking and Representing Animals in the Ancient

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: The Denver Marriott Tech Center, Denver (CO, USA)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Laura Battini (French National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS, Collège de France)
In the ancient Near East, animals have always been of great importance: in agriculture, transport and food as well as in images, in texts and even for enjoyment of men, They are represented everywhere: in glyptic, in round bump, in painting, in ceramics, in terracotta, in bas-reliefs, in statuary. They are represented using different techniques, such as bas relief, round bump, intaglio, incision, drawing and different materials, such as stone, terracotta, inlays, metal, faience... Letters, popular proverbs, ominal texts and even royal inscriptions give information about animals. And the lexical series HAR-ra = hubullu can be considered as the first treaty on animals, well before Aristotle and Pliny the Elder. From the birth (amulets) to the death (clay figurines in tombs), man is always accompanied by animals, wild, domesticated and also pets. This session aims to analyse the complex relationships between men and animals, especially WILD ANIMALS. Papers that make use of iconological and textual data are encouraged.