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CALL. 20.02.2018: [PANEL 11] Mythography not Mythology: Boundaries and Commentaries (Panel at the CC



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Charles Delattre (U. of Lille 3, Polymnia) ; R. Scott Smith (U. of New Hampshire, NARGAMM)

INFO: call - web -


Over the past twenty years, mythography has emerged as one of the most vigorous new fields in classical studies, doubtlessly influenced by major books by Fowler (2001, 2013), Cameron (2004), seminal articles by Pellizer (1993) and Alganza Roldan (2006), and new commentaries on major mythographical works (Stern on Palaephatus 1996; Brown on Conon 2003; Celoria on Antoninus Liberalis 1992). Despite the increased attention scholars have paid to mythographical works, much work remains to be done. For example, there are still basic definitional questions (was mythography a self-aware activity in antiquity?), as well as several works that still lack a critical commentary (for instance, Hyginus’ Fabulae or the Mythographus Homericus). This panel seeks innovative approaches to mythography and mythographic texts, both in terms of theoretical questions and in the practical concerns one confronts when studying and commenting on mythographical texts. In addition to customary academic papers, we would also welcome proposals for 40-minute “workshops,” in which participants offer to the group a mythographical text to analyze and discuss interactively. Because we are planning a sub-panel on Hyginus’ Fabulae as another step in the Polymnia/NARGAMM working group, we especially welcome papers on that difficult text.

We emphasize here that we are not seeking out papers on purely mythological subjects (say, in poetical texts) unless they engage in some significant way with mythography.

Below we offers some possible questions as food for thought, but applicants may suggest any topic or text that has to do with mythography:

  • What is the relationship between mythography and the commentary traditions of major works (e.g., early Greek poetry, Apollonius Rhodius, Vergil)?

  • What is the relationship between mythography and poetry?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of looking to digital forms of commentaries and employing new technologies in the mise en page of mythographical


More generally,

  • How does one approach the study of mythographical texts as distinct from other

“genres” or intellectual endeavors (myth in poetry, history, geography, etc.)

  • How does mythography itself intersect with the other “genres” and intellectual

activities listed above?

Papers or workshop presentations will be allotted 40 minutes, with 10 minutes reserved for discussion. The languages of the CCC are English and French. Those interested in participating should send an abstract of no more than 250 words, with a brief CV, to either by February 20, 2018. Submissions will be reviewed immediately and announcements sent out soon afterwards.

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