International Symposium on stone in architecture and sculpture from the Bronze Age to the Middle Age

In the first symposium, important information was presented about Yesemek and the Stone Quarries and Sculpture Workshops in the near geography. It has been understood that it is compulsory to arrange a second symposium in this field where there are still many obscurities by providing a broader participation for the purpose of transferring the experiences about the applications in similar fields in different places of the world.
In this context, it is planned to arrange a second symposium in the subjects “the use of stone, the stone quarries, the rock monuments, the operation of stone quarries, the use of stone in architectural application, the methods of processing Stones in the time interval of the Bronze Age – Middle Age and the evaluation of such works as regards with the cultural heritage management, protection and conservation with the aim of forming the scientific references within the process extending so far from the past in our country and the world.
FECHA /DATE/DATA: 19-20-21/06/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Gaziantep University. Mavera Congress and Art Center (Gaziantep, Turkey)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Prof. Dr. Tamer GÖK ( Mersin University, ICOMOS National Committee of Turkey) ; Assoc. Prof. Dr. ERES (Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, ICOMOS National Committee of Turkey) ; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Timur DEMİR (Gaziantep University, Faculty of Architecture) ; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar ÖZGÜNER (Gaziantep University, Department of Archeology) ; Zafer OKUDUCU (Metropolitan Municipality of Gaziantep – Mayor’s Advisor) ; Namık DÖLENEKEN (Metropolitan Municipality of Gaziantep – Department of KUDEB) ; Gaye CANSUNAR YETKİN (Metropolitan Municipality of Gaziantep – Department of KUDEB) ; Ali KORKMAZ (Metropolitan Municipality of Gaziantep – Department of KUDEB)