Athletics and identity in the Ancient and Modern World - 20-21/09/2018, St. Andrews (Scotland)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 20-21/09/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Parliament Hall, University of St Andrews (St. Andrews, Scotland)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: School of Classics of the University of St Andrews
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THURSDAY 20 September 2018 Parliament Hall 14.00-14.40 Registration with Buffet Lunch 14.40-15.00 Welcome and Opening remarks 15.00-15.40 Prof. Stamatia Dova (Hellenic College & Center for Hellenic Studies) “We have won”: Athens 1896 and the Cultural Politics of the First Marathon 15.40-16.00 Coffee and Tea Break 16.00-16.40 Emmanuel Aprilakis (Rutgers) Ancient Athletics and Jewish Identity: From Maccabees to Josephus 16.40-17.20 Dr. Sofie Remijsen (Amsterdam) Athletes as Christian sinners? 17.20-18.00 Prof. Paul Christensen (Dartmouth) Athletics and Glocalization, Ancient and Modern 18.00-19.00 Drinks Reception Classics Library, Swallowgate Room S6 FRIDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 PARLIAMENT HALL 09.00-09.20 Coffee and Tea 09:20-10:00 Dr. Salvatore Tufano (Sapienza) Becoming Boiotian as an Athlete: Boiotian Ethnicity through the Study of Local Games 10:00-10:40 Natalia Kazakidi & Nikoleta K. Vouronikou (Thessaloniki) Ephebes as competing athletes and ambassadors of local identity 10:40-11:20 Dr. Mali Skotheim (Wisconsin-Madison) Identity of the Amateur, Life of the Professional: On the Formation of an Association of Athletes 11:20-11:40 Coffee and Tea Break 11:40-12:20 Prof. Heather Reid (Morningside) Athletic Virtue and Aesthetic Values in Aristotle's Ethics 12:20-13:00 Masa Culumovic (Puget Sound) TBD 13:00- 14:00 LUNCH 14:10-14:50 Dr. Sebastian Scharff (Mannheim) Becoming Greek by Means of Athletic Competition. The Self-presentation of Non-Greek Athletes in the Hellenistic Period 14:50-15:30 Giorgos Mouratidis (St. Andrews) Athletic culture and the Greek elite in the Late Hellenistic and Imperial periods. The paradox of Macedonia. 15:30-16:00 Coffee and Tea Break 16:00-17:15 Keynote: Prof. Onno van Nijf (Groningen) Connecting the Greeks: festival networks in the Hellenistic and Roman periods 18:30- 19:30 Drinks Reception Classics Library, Swallowgate Room S6 19:30 Dinner (at own Expense) Tail End on Market Street