Priests and Priesthood in the Near East: Social, Intellectual and Economic Aspects - 19-20-21/03/201

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 19-20-21/03/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Gilman Buidling, Tel Aviv University (Tel Aviv, Israel) ; Bnei Zion Hall, Beit Hatfutsot – The Museum of the Jewish People, Tel Aviv University (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Monday, March 19
Bnei Zion Hall, Beit Hatfutsot – The Museum of the Jewish People 09:30 – 10:00 Gathering 10:00 – 10:15 Greetings and opening remarks Opening Address: Recent Discoveries from Ur / Tell Muqayyar (10:15 – 11:00) Priests of Ur in the Old Babylonian Period: A Reappraisal in the Light of the Discoveries at Ur / Tell Muqayyar in 2017 Dominique Charpin (Collège de France) Keynote Session I: Origins of Near Eastern Priesthood (11:00 – 12:30) Close to the Ruler and to the Gods: The Cultic Duties of the Cupbearer and the Role of Priestesses and Priests in Early Dynastic Mesopotamia Walther Sallaberger (LMU, Munich) Babylonian Priesthood during the Third Millennium BCE: Between Sacred and Profane Piotr Steinkeller (Harvard University) 12:30 – 14:00 Reception Gilman Building, Room 282 Priestly Identity in Mesopotamian Art and Material Culture (14:00 – 15:00) Fashioning the Priesthood's Identities in 3rd Millennium Mesopotamia Through Objects and Images Christina Tsouparopoulou (Cambridge University) Identity Through Appearance: Babylonian Priestly Clothing Louise Quillien (EPHE, Paris) Biblical Priests between Text and Context (15:00 – 16:00) “The priests, the Levites, and all the tribe of Levi, shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel” (Deut 18:1): Is There Archaeological Evidence of Priests and Priesthood in Iron Age Israel and Judah? Aren Maeir (Bar Ilan University) “Is there a Priest in the House?”: Identifying Jewish Priests (Kohanim) in the Archaeology of Roman Judaea/Palaestina Yonatan Adler (Ariel University) 16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break Keynote Session II: New Perspectives on Near Eastern Priesthood (16:30 – 18:00) Priests in the City, Priests in the Kingdom: Discourse and Social Change in the Babylonian Chronicles Caroline Waerzeggers (Leiden University) Near Eastern Priests: A Graeco-Roman perspective Julietta Steinhauer (University College London) Tuesday, March 20
Gilman Building, Room 496 Priesthood Identity in City-State and Empire (09:30 – 12:00) Kings, Priests, and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Period Shana Zaia (University of Helsinki) In the Shadow of Oannes: Priesthood, Scholarship and Politics in Hellenistic Babylonia Kathryn Stevens (Durham University) 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break The Two Wings of a Bird: Buddhism and the State in Early Medieval Japan Mikael Adolphson (Cambridge University) Altered by devotion (bhakti): Kings and Brahmins, Royal Courts and Temples in Second Millennium South India Ilanit Loewy-Schacham (Tel Aviv University) 12:00 – 13:30 Lunch Break Social and Cultic Geographies (13:30 – 15:00) Priests on the Move: Migrations of Priestly Families in First Millennium Babylonia Paul-Alain Beaulieu (University of Toronto) Lower-ranking Priests: The Reed Workers from Borsippa Kathleen Abraham (KU Leuven) Geographies of Expertise and Entitlement: Brahman Priestly Migrations in India Over the Longue Duree Polly O'Hanlon (University of Oxford) 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break Ethnic and Social Markers of Priesthood (15:30 – 16:30) The Cults of Old Babylonian Susiana within its Socio-economic and Ethno-linguistic Framework Ran Zadok (Tel Aviv University) Priests Associated with Hurrian Religious Beliefs and active in the Hittite Kingdom Stefano De Martino (University of Torino) Wednesday, March 21
Gilman Building, Room 496 Choosing and Becoming a Priest (09:30 – 11:00) Preconditions for the Priesthood in the Ancient Near East: A Comparative Investigation Jonathan Stökl (King’s College London) The Economic, Social, and Religious Significance of Local Priests in Hittite Anatolia Michele Cammarosano (University of Würzburg) “As a priest I offered to the goddess for myself”: The Hittite Kings as Priests Amir Gilan (Tel Aviv University) 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break Festival and Cultic Performance (11:30 – 13:00) Priestly Colleges in North-Central Anatolia. Some Remarks on the Tradition and Organization of Local Cults in the Second Millennium BCE Piotr Taracha (University of Warsaw) The Nissan Ceremony in Ezekiel in Light of the Akītu Festival Tova Ganzel (Bar Ilan University) The Role of the kalû-Priests in the Ancient Mesopotamian Temple Cult Uri Gabbay (Hebrew University) 13:00 – 14:30 Lunch Break Economy and Administration of the Cult (14:30 – 15:30) Priests and Prebends in Old Babylonian Nippur Wiebke Meinhold (University of Tübingen) How to Run Your Neo-Babylonian Temple: A šatammu’s Guide Yuval Levavi (Bar Ilan University) 15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break Concluding Session (16:00 – 17:00) The Urukean Priesthood Between City and State Religion Michael Jursa (University of Vienna) & Shai Gordin (Ariel University / Tel Aviv University) In Lieu of a Conclusion: Results and Open Questions Michael Jursa (University of Vienna)