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Palmyra.Orient.Okzident. - 16-17/03/2018, Oldenburg (Germany)

FECHA /DATE/ DATA: 16-17/03/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Institut für Geschichte, Universität Oldenburg

INFO: web -



Friday, 16th March 2018 09.30 Willkommen/Welcome, Einführung/Introduction 09.45–10.45 Georg Müller (Oldenburg): Zosimos und das palmyrenische Imperium 11.15–12.15 Ann-Christine Sander (Oldenburg): On the edge of empire – a local elite and its identity 13.30–14.30 Ted Kaizer (Durham): Oasis-polis – Tadmor-Palmyra as a Greek city (or not) in five episodes 14.30–15.30 Michael Sommer (Oldenburg): Gateway Tadmur – the beginnings of Palmyra's long-distance trade 16.00–17.00 Matthew Cobb (Lampeter): Palmyrene merchants and the Red Sea trade 17.00–18.00 Alexander Will (Oldenburg): Syrien 2018 – Szenarien und Perspektiven 18.30 Abendessen/Dinner: Restaurant Tafelfreuden Saturday, 17th March 2018 10.00–11.00 Eivind Heldaas Seland (Bergen): Return of te merchant princes? Scale, status and wealth in Palmyrene trade 11.30–12.30 Jørgen Christian Meyer (Bergen): Marginal agriculture in marginal environments 15.00–16.00 Lilia Palmieri (Mailand): The archaeological mission Pal.M.A.I.S – contextualising the private life of Palmyra 18.00–20.00 Rubina Raja (Aarhus): Palmyra und seine Kunst – Gratwanderungen zwischen Ost und West

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