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Women's Classical Committee UK 2018 Annual General Meeting - 18/04/2018, London (England)

We are delighted to announce that the 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Women’s Classical Committee UK will take place on Wednesday the 18th of April, at the Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, London, from 10am to 5pm.

Our theme this year is ‘Activism’. What does it mean to be a classicist and an activist? How does activism intersect with research, teaching, administration, outreach? How can we make sure our activism remains mindful of structural inequality and advantage, including our own? How should we approach the risks that come with public activism?

FECHA /DATE/ DATA: 18/04/2018


INFO: web -


-Día completo/all day/tutto il giorno: £10

-Mañana/morning/mattina: £5

-Tarde/afternoon/pomeriggio: 5£

-Online: gratis/free/gratuito


9.30am – arrival/coffee

10.00am – Welcome and WCC report – Dr. Elena Theodorakopoulos (University of Birmingham) and Dr. Amy Russell (Durham University)

10.15am – Keynote speech – Professor Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz (Hamilton).

11.00am – Spotlight talks

11.30am – Outreach as Activism

Marchella Ward (Oxford); Marcus Bell (ACE).

12.30pm – Lunch

1.30pm – Critical whiteness workshop, facilitated by the Equality Challenge Unit.

This ninety minute workshop is designed to introduce participants to key concepts of whiteness, privilege and advantage and to explore the practical steps that white allies can take in tackling racism and racial inequality. The workshop will cover:

  • Common responses of people and organisations to racial inequality;

  • The concept, operation and impact of white privilege (includes intersectionality plus interactive exercise);

  • Addressing racial privilege: practical steps to white allyship.

Through discussion and interactive exercises, participants will have the opportunity to explore the concept of white privilege and reflect on both personal and institutional responses to whiteness. The workshop is designed for both White and BME attendees.

3.00pm – Tea and coffee

3.30pm – Keynote speech – Dr. Donna Zuckerberg.

4.15pm – Response panel

The response panel will explore how to apply lessons from what we have heard and discussed over the course of the day to our own contexts.

4.30pm – WCC UK Business Meeting

Chair – Amy Russell

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