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Ancient Love Letters - 22-23/03/2018, Leeds (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 22-23/03/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Owen Hodkinson (Leeds); Tiziana Drago (Bari)




Ewen Bowie (Oxford) “Letters before letters”

Lucio Del Corso (Cassino) “In a sentimental mood? Love, sex, marriage (and other catastrophes) in personal letters (and everyday documents) from Graeco-Roman Egypt”

Tiziana Drago (Bari) “The Letters of Aristaenetus: Hyperliterary, intertextuality and formalized erotic language”

Rafael Gallé Cejudo (Cadiz) “Mapping some of the generic borders of the Greek love letter”

Melissa Funke (Winnipeg) “Epistolarity, eroticism, and agency: the female voice in fictional Greek love letters”

Owen Hodkinson (Leeds) “Philostratus and Latin elegy revisited”

Emeline Marquis (Humboldt University, Berlin) “Alciphron: the erotic letters in the spotlight”

Andrew Morrison (Manchester) “Order and structure in the Letters of Philostratus”

Antonios Pontoropoulos (Uppsala) “Erotic correspondences: Issues of structure and organization in the Philostratean Erotic Letters”

Yvonne Rösch (Bonn) “Great expectations: Love letters in Ovid’s Amores 1.11–1.12 and Lucian’s Dialogues of the Courtesans 10”

Steven D. Smith (Hofstra University, New York) “Is Diogenes in love with a eunuch? The erotic subtext of Theophylact Simocatta Ep. 43”

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