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Ancient and Modern Knowledges Colloquium - 22-23/06/2018, Sheffield (England)

Categories which seek to draw distinctions between different areas of scholarly inquiry in the history of knowledge, most obviously, perhaps, the distinction between ‘humanities' and ‘sciences' have, in many cases, spawned their own extensive sub-histories – the history of science and, more recently, the history of the humanities. Yet categories which instead seek to draw boundaries between bodies of knowledge based on distinctions of chronological time also need to be interrogated. The spatial turn in the history of knowledge has been particularly important, with much attention paid in recent years to exploring circuits, networks, geographies and mobilities of knowledge. Less consideration, however, has been given to distinctions of chronological distance (in particular, the use of the terms ‘ancient and modern') and the associated claims of authority, legitimacy, originality and significance, which are implied when these terms are used.

In the context of the colloquium, Prof Neville Morley will deliver a keynote lecture on: ‘Elegabalus’ Cobwebs: David Hume on knowing past and present'.

FECHA / DATE/DATA: 22-23/06/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Heather Ellis; Daniele Miano. University of Sheffield.

INFO: web - ;


To register FREE for the colloquium, please email by Friday 18th June and register via eventbrite / Para registrarse gratuitamente al coloquio, por favor envíe un correo a antes del Viernes 18 de Junio e inscríbase via eventbrite.


Friday 22 June 2018

12.00 – Welcome, Registration and Lunch

12.30 -2.30 Panel 1: Renaissance Historiography and Philosophy

Lorenzo Valla, Dionysius of Halicarnassus and the History of Early Rome Daniele Miano (University of Sheffield)

L’uso della storiografia antica nei Discorsi di Machiavelli Paolo Desideri (Università degli Studi Firenze)

Machiavelli and Seneca: Parallel Virtues Amanda J. Griffiths (University of Chicago)

2.30-3.00 – Tea/Coffee

3.00-5.00 – Panel 2: Architecture, Aesthetics and Epigraphy

Between Ancient Wisdom and Modern Knowledge: New Science and Modern Architecture in the Case of Claude Perrault Katerina Lolou (National Technical University, Athens)

Modern Aesthetics, Ancient Theory: Jean-Baptiste Dubos (1670-1742), Aesthetic Theory and Classical Philology at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century Floris Verhaart (Queen’s University, Belfast)

The Use and Abuse of Greek Epigraphical Knowledge in the Eighteenth Century Peter Liddel (University of Manchester)

5.15 – 6.15 – Keynote Elegabalus’ Cobwebs: David Hume on Knowing Past and Present Neville Morley (University of Exeter)

7.00pm - Conference Dinner

Saturday 23 June

9.00 – 10.30 – Panel 3 – Knowledge Making in 18th and early 19th Centuries 'The Common Lot': James Montgomery, Progress and the Dissemination of Knowledge, 1800-1835 Jon Mee (University of York)

Classical Knowledge and the Discourse of Gentlemanly science in early nineteenth-century Britain Heather Ellis (University of Sheffield)

10.00-10.30 – Tea/Coffee

10.30-12.30 – Panel 4 – Ancient and Modern Ideas of History

Polybius in Hegel and Bossuet John Thornton (Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” di Roma)

Hegel and Herodotus William Desmond (University of Maynooth)

Ancient and Modern Concepts of Historiography Tim Cornell (University of Manchester/University of Birmingham)

12.30 – 2.00 – Lunch and Concluding Discussion

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