CALL. 15.04.2018: Non solum pecunia – Means of Payment throughout the Ages - Katowice (Poland)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: prof. PhDr. Aleš Zářický, PhD; prof. dr hab. Jerzy Sperka PhD ; PhDr. Rastislav Kožiak, PhD; dr hab. Piotr Boroń, PhD; mgr Karol Chwastek, MA; mgr Ewelina Imiołczyk, MA; mgr Judyta Ścigała, MA; mgr Iwona Zakrzewska, MA.
INFO: call -
The Graduate History Students’ Science Club at the Institute of History of the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland), the Department of History of the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) and the Department of History of the University in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia) extend an invitation to the International Interdisciplinary Science Conference “Non solum pecunia – Means of Payment throughout the Ages”, which will take place in June 8–9th 2018 in Katowice.
Since the dawn of history relations based on exchange of goods and services remain a binding agent of human societies. Various forms of payment existed long before money and still function parallelly to the monetary economy. A holistic approach to the economic, social and cultural significance of money and others means of payment is the key to understanding the past and the surrounding reality.
The organizers of the conference wish to examine means of payment since antiquity up to modern times, aiming to encompass all possible aspects of the matter at hand. Due to the interdisciplinary character of the conference we encourage participation of representatives of broadly understood social and humanistic sciences and also all those, whose research remains relevant to the topic.
The key issues of the conference:
Legal dimension of money
Money counterfeiting
Money in culture
Extra-monetary means of payment
Favor, bribe, sponsoring
Means of payment as a carrier of ideology and propaganda
Money and religion
Iconography of coins and banknotes
Forms and dimensions of the Money of the Future
Fundraising throughout the ages
We remain open to papers which, despite not fitting directly into the listed issues, adhere to the general topic of conference.
Paper submission deadline: April 15th 2018
Announcement of the accepted papers: May 12th 2018
Language of the post-conference “multi-author” monograph: English
Monography article submission deadline: September 30th 2018
Conference participation fee: 150 PLN (circa 35 EUR)
Languages of the conference: English, Polish, Czech, Slovak
Submission form can be download at: and needs to be sent before the deadline (April 15th 2018) to the address:
The participation fee covers a dinner, coffee breaks, conference materials and the publishing of a peer-reviewed “multi-author” monograph. All additional expense are to be covered by the participants or their sending institutions. The organizers reserve the right to a selection of the articles received for the publication, main criterium being a positive review of an academic of the University of Silesia.
The account number and the deadline for the covering of the fee will be disclosed together with an e-mail confirmation of the paper’s acceptance.
All questions regarding the conference can be sent to: