Socratica IV - 13-14-15-16/11/2018, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

After the Socratica Conferences (Socratica 2005, held in Senigallia, Socratica 2008, held in Napoli, and Socratica 2012 held in Trento), and the respectiveproceedings published in 2008, 2010 and 2013, we are pleased to announce the SOCRATICA IV Conference to be held in Buenos Aires on November 13-16,2018 at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Francesca Alesse (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy); Gabriel Danzig (Bar Ilan University, Israel); William Desmond (Maynooth University, Ireland); Louis-André Dorion (Université de Montreal, Canada); David Johnson (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA); Claudia Mársico (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina); Maria Cecilia de Miranda N. Coelho (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil); Christopher Moore (Pennsylvania State University, USA); Donald Morrison (Rice University, USA); David Murphy (New York, USA)Michel Narcy (CNRS, France)Livio Rossetti (Università di Perugia, Italy); Nicholas Smith (Lewis & Clark College, USA); Alessandro Stavru (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany); Vladislav Suvak (University of Presov, Slovakia); Voula Tsouna (University of California, USA)
INFO: web
Tuesday 13 9:00 Registration 9:45 Opening Ceremony 10:15 Plenary Session 1 Chair: Louis-André Dorion Livio Rossetti, “Né filosofo né sofista” 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 Parallel Session 1 Chair: Rodrigo Illarraga William Wians, “Imitating Socrates” Solmeng-Jonas Hirschi, “The Colloquial Socrates” Mario Regali, “The making of Socrates: the protreptic function of the philosopher’s mask in Plato’s dialogues” Parallel Session 2 Chair: Mariana Gardella Santiago Chame, “The Megarian’s negative ontology” Stephano Mecci, “Il demone di Socrate. l’interpretazione di Terpsione di Megara” Francisco Villar, “The Complex Question Fallacy in Megaric Philosophy” Parallel Session 3 Chair: Agustina Arrarás Stephania Giombini, “Sócrates desmemoriado. El olvido como dispositivo retórico” Silvio Marino, “Socrates medicus: una rappresentazione platonica” Milena Lozano Nembrot, “The prehistory of the Socratic concept of enkrateia” 13:00 Lunch 15:30 Parallel Session 4 Chair: Ivana Costa Leo Catana, “The Two Concepts of Natural Right in Plato’s Gorgias” Marisa Divenosa, “Cometer injusticia es peor que padecerla”: una fórmula prestada al socratismo” Vitor de Simoni Milione,“Sócrates o guerreiro: os retratos de Platão e Xenofonte” Parallel Session 5 Chair: Santiago Chame Patrick Lake, “Socratic Courage and the Gadfly” Rodrigo Illarraga, “Xenophon’s political knowledge” Jorge Steimback, “Xenophon, Socratic tradition and historical thinking in classical Athens” Parallel Session 6 Chair: Milena Lozano Tony Lehy, “Towards a Socratic Model of Political Friendship: Friendship as Knowledgeable Homonoia at Cleitophon409b-410a” Evan Rodríguez, “Rivals or Relatives? Structure and Aim in Socratic and Sophistic Method” Kirk Sanders, “Why was Socrates charged with ‘introducing religious innovations’?” 17:00 Coffee break 17:30 Plenary session 2 Chair: Melina Tamiolaki Noreen Humble, “Sparta and the Socratics” Aldo Brancacci, “Antisthenes’ notion of pónos” Wednesday 14 9:00 Parallel session 7 Chair: Rodrigo Illarraga Irina Deretic, “Socrates Facing Death in the Apology” Trinidad Silva, “Indiferente a los trucos: el elemento de la astucia en la conceptualización de sophia en Platón” Giorgio Ieranò, “Sofisti in scena? Sophizesthai e sophismata nelle Baccanti di Euripide” Parallel session 8 Chair: Milena Lozano Esteban Bieda, “Aristóteles, el Socrático. Sobre los objetivos y límites de la crítica aristotélica al intelectualismo socrático” Andrej Kalas and Frantisek Skvrnda, “Socratic Situational Ethics – Was Socrates a Villain?” Celso Vieira, “Is there a Socratic coherentism?” Parallel session 9 Chair: Francisco Villar Antonio Mesquita (Portugal), “Men in a Siege: On the Relationship between Ethics and Epistemology in Cyrenaic Philosophy” Francois Renaud (Canada), “L’exégese homérique d’Antistène: l’intention d’Homère et celle d’Ulysse” Mariana Gardella, “El bien es uno, aunque se lo llame con muchos nombres” (D. L. II 106. 9-10): Agatología y erística en Euclides de Mégara” 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Plenary session 3 Chair: María Cecilia de Miranda N. Coelho Claudia Mársico (Argentina), “Anthropological traits in the Socratic Circle” Don Morrison (USA), “Socratic egoism” 12:20 Lunch 14:40 Plenary session 4 Chair: André Braga (Brazil), “Who wins the race? Antisthenes’ or Plato’s horse?” Nicholas Smith and Joel Martínez (USA), “Socrates and the Sufficiency Thesis” 16:00 Parallel session 10 Chair: Mariana Gardella William Altman, “Socrates in Plato’s Philebus” Holly Moore, “Socrates as Narrator and the Republic’s Theory of Political Subjectivity” Toomas Lott, “Diagreement and knowledge in the Alcibiades110d-112d” Parallel session 11 Chair: Francisco Villar Nicola Galgano, “The better and the worse: Socrates between tradition and innovation” Pilar Spangenberg, “Debates en torno al monismo lingüístico en el movimiento socrático” Julio César Moreira, “Εἶδος and ἰδέα in Plato’s early dialogues: the vocabulary of forms in the Socratic inquiry ‘τί ἐστι X’?” Parallel session 12 Chair: Santiago Chame Matthew Watton, “Socrates and Plato’s Socrates in Cicero’s Academica” Dino De Sanctis, “Socrates in the Kepos: reception (and polemic) of the Socratic thought in Colotes’ Contra Lysidem and Contra Euthydemum” Lucas Nascimento Pinto, “When Socrates met an Indian in Athens: A philosophical anecdote from Aristoxenus’ fragment 53” 17:30 Coffee break 18:00 Book presentation: M. Pulpito, P. Spangenberg (eds.), Hodos noesai. Essays in homage to Néstor Cordero Thursday 15 9:00 Parallel sesssion 13 Chair: Agustina Arrarás Tristán Fita, “Notes on the Socratic aporia and its importance for the understanding of Academic Skepticism and Neo-Pyrrhonism” Claudia Seggiaro, “El método socrático en el fragmento 1 de Sobre la Filosofía” María Emilia Avena, “El principio socrático de fidelidad a la razón y su legado en la ética aristotélica” Parallel sesssion 14 Chair: Milena Lozano Caue Cardoso Polla, “A slave of the truth: Socrates as pedagoge” Julián Macías, “Socrates, ¿maestro ignorante?” Carolina Olivares Chávez, “Jenofonte en su faceta educadora” Parallel sesssion 15 Chair: Valeria Sonna Ángela López, “El Amor místico en Sócrates con referencia a los diálogos de madurez de Platón” Julia Rabanal, “Diodoro Crono y el primer motor inmóvil” Patricia Lucchesi Barbosa, “Sócrates Psicagogo. Filosofia como desvío creative no Fedro de Platâo” Juan Remesar, Francisco Iversen, “The Republic: an evening of dialogue in honor of Bendis?” 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Plenary session 6 Chair: Rodrigo Illarraga Fiorenza Bevilacqua, “Socrates as “philosopher” in Xen., Oec. 16.9” Gabriel Danzig, “Oeconomicus as reaction to Republic” 12:20 Plenary session 7 Chair: Gabriel Danzig Joseph Bjelde (Germany), “Xenophon’s Socrates on Wisdom and Action” Louis-André Dorion (Canada), “L’exemplarité de Socrate selon Platon et Xenophon” 16:00 Nacional Academy of Science of Buenos Aires About the International Socratic Society Friday 16 9:00 Parallel session 16 Chair: Francisco Villar Michele Corradi, “Callia nella letteratura socratica: un paradigma complesso” Ivana Costa, “El Alcibíades de Esquines y el Lisisde Platón a propósito del éros como herramienta pedagógica” Francesca Pentasugglio, “The role of wealth and the value of poverty in Socratic literature: a reading of Aeschines’ Callias and Telauges” Parallel session 17 Chair: Carlos Martín Luis Gerena Carrillo, “Aristipo o Sócrates. La libertad del extranjero o la libertad del ciudadano” Romina Simón, “El concepto de aísthesisen la filosofía cirenaica” Valeria Sonna, “The fundamental egotism of Hegesias’ pessimism” Parallel session 18 Chair: Valeria Sonna Ariel Vecchio, “Sócrates platónico: ethopoiía del know-how” Rodolfo Arbe (Argentina),”El uso socrático de las interrogaciones ficticias en los diálogos con sofistas. Un punto en común entre Jenofonte y Platón.” Deyvis Machin, “¿Aristóteles tiene algún conocimiento de la gramática propugnada por los cirenaicos? Reflexiones acerca de nuevo testimonio cirenaico” 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Plenary session 8 Chair: Nicholas Smith David Murphy, Peritrope, or Retortion. Arguments from Antiphon and Socrates Marta Jimenez, “Socrates on Experience and Courage” 12:20 Lunch 14:40 Plenary session 9 Chair: Fiorenza Bevilacqua Gerardo Ramírez Vidal (México), “Los diálogos entre Sócrates y Antifonte en los Memorabilia de Jenofonte” Lucas Soares, “‘I’m adept on love’. Socrates’ erotic wisdom and the techne of the hunting of men” 16:00 Parallel session 19 Chair: Mariana Gardella Odile Van der Vaeren, L’elenchos de l’oracle : l’impiété de réfuter ou la piété de se forcer à penser ? Cristina de Souza Agostini, Le Socrate risible David Lévystone, Socrate le Sophist? Réflexions (platoniciennes) sur la méthode dialogique de Socrate dans les premiers dialogues de Platon Parallel sesssion 20 Chair: Milena Lozano Laura Milman, “Plato and Xenophon on rulers and citizens” Giuseppe Greco, “Socrates, el pasado y el elogio de la ciudad” Juan Vargas Caparros, “Autarkeia y pobreza: Sócrates y la tradición cínica” Parallel session 21 Chair: Rodrigo Illarraga Luciano Ciruzzi, “El Filoctetes de Sófocles en el trasfondo de la polémica entre Antístenes y el Hipias Menor de Platón” Mailen Goldar, “La concepción erótica de Esquines y sus consecuencias ético-políticas” Ofelia Wyngaard, “Sócrates como melancólico” 17:30 Coffee Break 18:00 Plenary session 10 Chair: Claudia Mársico Néstor Cordero, “¿Sería Antístenes testigo de un Platón inédito?” Melina Tamiolaki, “Defending Socrates. Xenophon’s Authorial Persona in the Memorabilia”