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CALL.20.04.2018: Misdirections and Misconceptions in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Dram

The 18th Annual Joint Postgraduate Symposium on Ancient Drama, on the 25th (at the Ioannou Centre, Oxford) and 26th June 2018 (at Royal Holloway, Egham). The theme this year will be 'Misdirections and Misconceptions in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Drama'.

This annual Symposium focuses on the reception of Greek and Roman tragedy and comedy, exploring the afterlife of these ancient dramatic texts through their re-workings by both writers and practitioners across all genres and periods. This year’s theme invites discussions of old and new interpretations of Greek and Roman drama with a particular focus on their (non)conformity to ancient (and modern) models, as well as the way that they are shaped by theatre conventions. Speakers from a number of countries will give papers on the reception of Greek and Roman drama. This year’s guest respondent will be Dr Helen Eastman (Theatre Director/Writer). The following academics will attend this year: Prof. Fiona Macintosh (Oxford), Prof. Elizabeth Schafer (RHUL), Prof. Oliver Taplin (Oxford). There will be a performance of Tony Harrison’s The Labourers of Heracles on the evening of Monday 25 June in Oxford.



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: APGRD (Archive of Performances of Greek & Roman Drama)

INFO: web - Facebook ;


The 18thAnnual APGRD / Royal Holloway, University of London Joint Postgraduate Symposium on the Performance of Ancient Drama will take place on Monday 25 June (at the Ioannou Centre, Oxford) and Tuesday 26 June (at Royal Holloway, Egham). This year’s theme will be: ‘Misdirections and Misconceptions in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Drama’. Abstracts of papers should be sent by 20 April 2018 to (please include details of your current course of study, supervisor and academic institution).


This annual Symposium focuses on the reception of Greek and Roman tragedy and comedy, exploring the afterlife of these ancient dramatic texts through their re-workings by both writers and practitioners across all genres and periods. This year’s theme invites discussions of old and new interpretations of Greek and Roman drama with a particular focus on their (non)conformity to ancient (and modern) models, as well as the way that they are shaped by theatre conventions. Speakers from a number of countries will give papers on the reception of Greek and Roman drama. This year’s guest respondent will be Dr Helen Eastman.


Postgraduates from around the world working on the reception of Greek and Roman drama are welcome to participate, as are those who have completed a doctorate but not yet taken up a post. The symposium is open to speakers from different disciplines, including researchers in the fields of Classics, modern languages and literature, and theatre and performance studies.

Practitioners are welcome to contribute their personal experience of working on ancient drama. Papers may also include demonstrations. Undergraduates are very welcome to attend.

Those who wish to offer a short paper (20 mins) or performance presentation on ‘misdirections and misconceptions in the theory and practice of ancient drama’ are invited to send an abstract of up to 200 words outlining the proposed subject of their discussion to FRIDAY 20 APRIL 2018 AT THE LATEST (please include details of your current course of study, supervisor and academic institution).

There will be no registration fee. Some travel bursaries will be available this year - please indicate if you would like to be considered for one of these.

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