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CALL. 01.06.2018: Aswan to Alexandria: Travel and Exploration in Egypt from Antiquity to the Modern



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Stacey Anne Bagdi (University of Leiden)

INFO: web - call -


The West Midlands Egyptology Society (WMES) is holding its second conference on the weekend of 17-18 November, 2018 at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery on travel, archaeology, and exploration in Egypt. The United Kingdom has contributed significantly to the study of archaeology and history in Egypt. In 2018, it will be 95 years since Howard Carter first opened the sealed doorway of Tutankhamun’s tomb; 145 years since Amelia Edwards travelled up the Nile; and 165 years since the birth of Flinders Petrie. Today, a large number of independent researchers, archaeologists, historians, and Egyptologists continue to travel the Nile; researching, discovering, and documenting Egypt’s ever-evolving history….

This conference aims to highlight recent research in Egypt, with a particular focus on travel, exploration, and archaeology. Papers can cover periods of history from antiquity to the modern day.

Themes may cover:

· Secular travel and exploration; including migration, early tourism, military encounters, and trade

· Religious travel to Egypt; including pilgrimage and processions

· Early tourism to Egypt and travel literature in the 19th/20th Century

· Modern day secular and religious travel to Egypt

· Travellers graffiti in Egypt

· Recent research of Egypt from historical and photographic records/museum archives

The WMES invites prospective speakers to submit an abstract of 250–300 words for consideration on travel and exploration in Egypt.

The deadline for abstracts is Friday, 1st June, 2018, 5pm GMT.

Please submit your abstracts via email to with ‘WMES 2018 CONFERENCE POSTER ABSTRACT’ as the subject. Please include your name and, your university affiliation, or if you are an independent researcher, please state this. For further details about the conference, please visit our website: For all enquiries, please email Silvie Adams at

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