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CALL. 30.04.2018: LVDI PLAVTINI SARSINATES. Characters on Stage: the parasite - Sarsina (Italy)





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After twenty years of Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates, the CISP (International Center for Plautine Studies of Urbino) and the PLAVTVS (Center of Plautine Research of Sarsina - Urbino), have the pleasure of inviting you to the second in a new series of annual graduate conferences, the Ludi Plautini Sarsinates: Characters on Stage. As the title clearly highlights, the main focus of the conference will be on stage and theatrical issues as well as on a deeper evaluation of the personae scaenicae to be conducted every year on a different character. The conference aims at a fertile encounter between those who study Plautus and those who actually perform his plays on stage. Its scope will therefore encompass a wide set of themes, ranging from dramatical questions in the text to modern and contemporary adaptations of it. In order to enable a stimulating and interdisciplinary dialogue, we welcome any proposal dealing with these issues from different cultural contexts and perspectives. The second Ludus Plautinus will look at the character of the parasitus and its reception up to modern and contemporary drama. Applicants may wish to devote their attention to the following topics: a) confronting philological and / or anthropological approaches with the techniques employed by professional actors and stage directors b) translations aimed at reviving the parasitus on contemporary stage c) literary, theatrical and cinematic reception of the parasitus. We also very much encourage proposals beyond these topics, as long as they fit within the overall theme illustrated above. The conference will be held in Sarsina on 29th September 2018. Costs of accommodation and travel are NOT covered by the CISP. There will be 2 initial lectures given by the two Keynote Speakers appointed by the CISP and 6 presentations (30 mins each) to be allotted through the present CfP. Applicants are kindly request to send (deadline 30 April 2018) a 600 words abstract and a brief academic CV to this address Italian, English, German, French and Spanish are all permitted for presentation and publication. Given the particular nature of the event, each paper should ideally be accompanied by images, movies, performances or any kind of multimedia. The CISP committee will select the best and most relevant papers through peer review and will announce the results by 31 May 2018.

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