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LVDI PLAVTINI SARSINATES. Characters on Stage: the parasite - 13/10/2018, Sarsina (Italy)

After twenty years of Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates, the CISP (International Center for Plautine Studies of Urbino) and the PLAVTVS (Center of Plautine Research of Sarsina - Urbino), have the pleasure of inviting you to the second in a new series of annual graduate conferences, the Ludi Plautini Sarsinates: Characters on Stage. As the title clearly highlights, the main focus of the conference will be on stage and theatrical issues as well as on a deeper evaluation of the personae scaenicae to be conducted every year on a different character. The conference aims at a fertile encounter between those who study Plautus and those who actually perform his plays on stage. Its scope will therefore encompass a wide set of themes, ranging from dramatical questions in the text to modern and contemporary adaptations of it. In order to enable a stimulating and interdisciplinary dialogue, we welcome any proposal dealing with these issues from different cultural contexts and perspectives.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 13/10/2018



INFO: web -



Sarsina, 13/10/18 Teatro Silvio Pellico, Largo Alcide de Gasperi, 1 ore 09.30 Saluto del Sindaco Enrico Cangini Introduzione del Direttore del CISP Roberto M. Danese ore 10.00 Settimio Lanciotti (Urbino) Da Curculio a Phormio, ovvero l'emancipazione del parassita Giancarlo Sammartano (Roma) Il parassita. Persona, ruolo, personaggio da Plauto al teatro a venire Paolo Floris, Andrea Puglisi (Compagnia Fondamenta Teatro e Teatri, Roma) Scene da Persa e Curculio Alessio Torino (Urbino) Il comico nei trattati gesuitici Tomáš Weissar, Eliška Poláčková (Brno) Translating Curculio for Stage ore 15.00 Kay Gamel (Santa Cruz) The Parasitus as Pater and Paradox: Persa in Santa Cruz 2004 Gianni Guastella (Siena) Dai volgarizzamenti plautini alla Mandragola: il parassita nella commedia italiana del primo Cinquecento Exodia Keith Maclennan (Rugby) Charles Lamb and the Parasite or Hanger-on in Early Victorian Britain Ivan Orsini (Bologna) Il Sarsinate a spasso per la puszta Isabella Valeri (Urbino) La fortuna del parasitus nella Piovana di Ruzante Ivan Baciocchi (Ecole Internationale de mime corporale dramatique, Paris ) Il Mimo d'Etienne Decroux tra tecnica attoriale e arte teatrale

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