CALL. 01.06.2018: International Aerial Archaeology Conference (AARG) - Venezia (Italy)

The AARG meeting provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information for all those actively involved in aerial photography and remote sensing at large, photo interpretation, field archaeology and landscape history. This also includes the use of remote sensing in defining preservation policies for archaeological sites and landscapes.
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Università Ca' Foscari - Venice. Ca' Dolfin (Venezia, Italy)
INFO: web -
The Call for Papers is now open. Closing date for all proposals is 15th May 2018.
Papers (20 minutes) and posters (A1 portrait) are invited on the themes of:
Local session. This session features papers on aerial archaeology in Italy and is open to papers dealing with a critical, retrospective view of the aerial archaeology in Italy during the last 15 years. Papers should consider lessons learned, key issues, future challenges and opportunities for innovative approaches.
Between the land and the sea. Coastal zones have been foci of activity throughout the human past, for example as valuable areas for resource acquisition (fishing; gathering of shellfish; harvesting of seaweed) and as settlement areas controlling maritime trade. They offer particular challenges as regards airborne remote sensing given that archaeologically they often include remains that are permanently or at least temporarily submerged, and the degree of exposure of these remains may change with each tide. They are also ‘at risk’ environments, with coastal erosion regularly impacting upon archaeological heritage. This session seeks papers dealing with the use of aerial methods in coastal, shallow and lagoon water archaeological survey, for example surveys of intertidal zones, shallow water surveys or of coastal sites under threat.
Drones in aerial archaeology (to drone or not to drone). While there is no doubt that drones have democratized aerial archaeological survey, what next for the drones/UAV in aerial archaeology? While site-based drone survey is now common practice in excavation and structure-from-motion photogrammetry is regularly used to create detailed 3-D models of sites and structures, what is the next step for surveys of this sort? As is sometimes the case with lidar and terrestrial laser scanning, is there a risk that making a model has become the raison d'être for the use of drones in archaeology? To explore these ideas papers focusing on critical or theoretical aspects of drone use are particularly welcome.
Managing the land.Traces of agriculture and land management are perhaps the most ubiquitous of all archaeological remains visible from the air. These range from field systems and enclosures to evidence of ridge and furrow cultivation to traces of olive groves and orchards. Despite their social significance such features are often overlooked in favour of more ‘monumental’ remains. In this session, we invite papers that focus on critical aspects of enclosure, past agricultural regimes and water management.
Monitoring changes. Aerial survey is increasingly used to monitor changes at archaeological sites. This has become especially important in recent times as regards tracking damage caused by looting/deliberate destruction of heritage (e.g. by ISIS in the Middle East), environmental degradation (e.g. erosion of coastal sites) and encroachment of settlement/agricultural activity in archaeological landscapes. For this session we seek papers focused on the use of aerial methods in such monitoring programmes, particularly over medium to long time scales.
Aerial archaeology in collaboration. Increasingly, new methods and approaches come to aerial survey through collaboration with other disciplines (e.g. computer science; medical imaging; human geography). In this session we seek to explore these collaborations. Submissions can include papers on automation of feature detection, new ways of visualizing data (both technical and in a social sciences sense) and novel prospection methods which showcase the development of aerial archaeology ‘in collaboration’.
Please direct all conference paper and poster offers (with title and abstract, max. 800 characters) to the AARG Chair via this submission FORM.