CALL. 01.05.2018: Archaeoastronomy (SESSION in 2018 ICAHM Annual Meeting) - Montalbano Elicona (Ital

In the European Year of Cultural Heritage the 2018 ICAHM Annual Meeting will focus on the overriding need to develop a holistic and integrated approach to heritage management. The meeting will focus on six key themes that lie at the heart of current debates and concerns relating to different approaches and subjects all of which need to be mainstreamed into to archaeological heritage management.
Archaeoastronomy is a multidisciplinary science that deals with the study of the orientation of ancient monuments (temples, tombs, menhirs, etc.) as a function of celestial phenomena (for example the rising and setting of the Sun or the Moon), but also of the representations of celestial bodies and asterisms in paintings, sculptures and engravings in antiquity, and finally of the reconstruction of astronomical events using observational data from historical times. More recently we talk more about cultural astronomy. There are several groups of scholars who deal with archaeoastronomy,both form Humanities and Natural Sciences. The main international organizations that deal with cultural astronomy are: ISAAC (International Society for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture), SEAC (European Society for Astronomy in Culture) and SIAC (Sociedad Interamericana de Astronomía en la Cultura). In November 2017 ICOMOS-IAU published a book entitled “Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the Context of the World Heritage Convention”, which examines a number of key questions relating to astronomical heritage sites and their potential recognition as World Heritage.
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Medieval castle (Montalbano Elicona, Italy)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Andrea Orlando (chair of the session, INFN — National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Sezione di Catania, Italy); Antonio Belmonte (session comittee, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Tenerife); Cesar Garcia (session comittee, Institute of Heritage Sciences, Spanish National Research Council, Galicia).
In this session we will examine the techniques used for archaeoastronomy studies and we will take a closer look at how archaeoastronomical research at archaeological sites has increased our understanding and knowledge of the sky of our ancestors. Moreover in this session will present case studies of places and sites with archaeoastronomical values.
Organised by ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) and the Municipality of Montalbano Elicona, we invite abstracts of 300 words to be submitted as soon as possible but at the latest by 1 May 2018.
Please submit your presentation abstract electronically with the electronic Submission Form (LINK). Your abstract must be 100-300 words in length and should be submitted before 1 May 2018.
The language of this conference is English. All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
To ensure all authors will present at our meeting, we respectfully request that you register and pay conference fees prior to 1 July, 2018. Those not registered will be removed from our conference program to allow others the opportunity to present. We encourage everyone to register early, Early Bird Registrationfee prior to 15 May, 2018.