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Building bridges between Iberian and British Archaeology -21/06/2018, Durham (England)


In the post-Brexit horizon, it is important to reinforce the links between British and Iberian Archaeology to secure the future vitality of an already fruitful joint trajectory.This workshop on archaeological research in the Iberian Peninsula intends to bring together researchers working in the UK involved in this region. The main goals for the event are to create and consolidate collaborations between different research teams and academics within the UK; to promote new joint projects; to provide archaeologists based in the UK with more opportunities to secure funding; and to strengthen the relationships between the Spanish, Portuguese and UK archaeological traditions

FECHA /DATE/DATA : 21/06/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: David González-Álvarez (Visiting Fellow, Durham University); Francisco Martínez-Sevilla (Visiting Fellow, Durham University); Blanca Ochoa (Visiting Fellow, Durham University); Jonathan Santana-Cabrera (Marie Curie Fellow, Durham University).

INFO: Registration form - web -


Cena de despedida (para participantes, opcional) / Closing dinner (for participants, optional) / Cena di chiusura (opzionale per relatori): 20 GBP


11:00 Welcome to participants and coffee (Common Room)

11:30-13:00 Round Table “The future of Iberian Archaeology within United Kingdom beyond Brexit” (Birley Room)

*Speakers to be confirmed

13:00-13:45 Lunch (Common Room)

13:45-15:00 Individual presentations (10’) from the participants (Birley Room)

16:30 Closing Seminar: Prof Peter Rowley-Conwy “What goes around, comes around: the spread of agriculture from Italy to Iberia” (Birley Room)

18:00 Wine reception (Common Room)

20:00 Dinner (optional, venue to be confirmed

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