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Unabridged. Epitome From Fragmentation To Re-composition (and Back-Again) - 05-06/06/2018, Roma (Ita

For centuries, the term epitome did not enjoy great appreciation, intuitively connected as it was to an idea of textual recycling and derivativeness. It is thus no coincidence that a number of ages in which epitomatory works witnessed a widespread diffusion – from Late Antiquity up to the long season of humanistic and late humanistic erudition – were equally doomed to an aesthetical damnatio memoriae. Yet, in more recent years a renovated scholarly enthusiasm has been paving the way for both an aesthetic and heuristic revaluation of these “obscure objects”. We would like to conceptualize epitomai as the result of two very basic movements, dismemberment and re-composition, and to survey the hermeneutic fields so disclosed.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 05-06/06/2018


INFO: web -



June 5 9:15 – 9:30 Introduction by Marco Formisano and Paolo F. Sacchi 9:30 – 10:15 Rosalind MacLachlan (University of Birmingham), Epitome and Enchiridion: Summarising Bodies of Thought Jesús Hernández Lobato (University of Salamanca), Epitomizing Silence: the Apophthegmata Patrum as an Impossible Encyclopaedia of Unknowing Respondent: Wim Verbaal 10:15 – 11:00 Victoria Leonard (University of London), Orosius’ Historiae and the Predicament of Genre Ben Cartlidge (University of Liverpool), Athenaeus, Epitome, Fragment, Edition: the Dialectic of Epitomization Respondent: Marco Formisano Coffee 11:15 – 12:00 Tim Noens (Ghent University), Away with Chronology. Re-composition, Time and Memory in Pliny The Younger’s Epistulae and Vladimir Nabokov’s Speak Memory Florence Kesseler (University of Besançon – Franche Comté), L’Iliade latine: quelle réappropriation d’Homère? Respondent: Michael Paschalis Lunch 14:00 – 14:45 Paolo Liverani (University of Florence), Epitome and its Surroundings Between Written and Figural Domain Lucas Herchenroeder (University of Southern California), Locating Elis: Language and Sense of Place in Pausanias’ Description of Greece Respondent: Stelios Panayotakis 14:45 – 15:30 Grant Parker (University of Stanford), Solinus and Geographical Epitomization Brian P. Sowers (City University of New York), Ausonius Epitomist, Encyclopedism and Ordering Knowledge in Late Antique Gaul Respondent: Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed Coffee 15:45 – 16:30 Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed (University of Uppsala), Persephone in Pieces Antoine Paris (University of Paris-Sorbonne/ University of Montréal), Le texte démembré. Le démembrement de Dionysos comme image des Stromates Respondent: Marco Formisano 16:30 – 17:15 Scott McGill (Rice University), Twelve Little Aeneids: The Argumenta of the So-Called Twelve Wise Men Mohammad Reza Fallah Nejad (University of Ahvaz), Le rêve de Barthes au Collège de France : des Fragments critiques aux recompositions littéraires Respondent: Paolo F. Sacchi Conference dinner June 6 9:30 – 10:15 Michael Paschalis (University of Crete), From Sallust to Livy to Florus: No Epitomator in Sight Robert A. Rohland (University of Cambridge), Carpe, carpe! – Cutting carpe diem Respondent: Cristiana Sogno 10:15 – 11:00 Michael Hanaghan (University of Cork), Textual Unity and the Model Reader of the Epitome de Caesaribus Virginia Burrus (University of Syracuse), Dionysius’ Imaginary Library Respondent: Scott McGill Coffee 11: 20– 12:05 Philip Hardie (University of Cambridge), The Kaleidoscopic World of Symphosius’ Aenigmata Alice Borgna (University of the Piemonte Occidentale), The Epitomizer: No-personality Man or Post-production Editor? The Case of Justin’s Epitoma of Pompeius Trogus Respondent: Michael Hanaghan 12:05– 12:50 Irena Kristeva (University of Sofia), Les Petits traités de Pascal Quignard: un exemple d’épitomés (anti)modernes Stelios Panayotakis (University of Crete), The Unanswered Question: Riddles and Epitome in Apollonius of Tyre Respondent: Paolo F. Sacchi Lunch 14:20 – 15:05 Jared Hudson (Harvard University), The Empire in the Epitome: Florus and the Conquest of Historiography Ana Kiffer (University of Rio de Janeiro), Autour des cahiers, l’écriture ‘défigurée’: comment peut-on la reconnaître? Respondent: Wim Verbaal 15:05 – 16:00 Final response and discussion

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