Le terme pubbliche nell'Italia romana (II secolo a.C. – fine IV d.C.). Architettura, tecnologia
Prolepsis Association is delighted to announce its third International Postgraduate conference whose theme will be the mechanisms of selection and loss in ancient and Medieval literary and historical texts. “Optanda erat oblivio” Seneca writes in benef. 5. 25. 2, referring to Tiberius’ wish for forgetfulness. We would like to use this quotation as a starting point for a discussion on the vast number of issues related to memory and oblivion in ancient and Medieval texts.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 04-05/10/2018
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Maura Medri; Antonio Pizzo; Janet DeLaine; Valeria Di Cola; Konogan Beaufay
INFO: segreteria.termeitaliche@gmail.com